Pablo Piovano posted new content

Latest content from Pablo Piovano
Jun 10, 2019 12:37 PM
The shared currency remains so far unable to reverse the daily weakness, with EUR/USD challenging the critical support at the 1.1300 neighbourhood. EU...
Jun 10, 2019 11:42 AM
The now offered tone around the Japanese safe haven is helping EUR/JPY to advance to new 3-week highs near 12300 the figure. EUR/JPY looks to risk tre...
Jun 10, 2019 11:11 AM
These are the main highlights of the CFTC Positioning report for the week ended on June 4. Speculators trimmed their EUR net shorts to the lowest leve...
Jun 10, 2019 09:40 AM
FX Strategists at UOB Group noted the pair's upside could be limited around the 109.00 neighbourhood in the near term. Key Quotes 24-hour view: "USD g...
Jun 10, 2019 09:20 AM
The selling bias around the British Pound has intensified today and is now helping EUR/GBP to record fresh multi-month peaks beyond 0.8900 the figure....
Jun 10, 2019 08:50 AM
EUR/USD daily chart EUR/USD Overview Today last price 1.1299 Today Daily Change 40 Today Daily Change % -0.31 Today daily open 1.1334 Trends Daily SMA...
Jun 10, 2019 08:26 AM
DXY daily chart Dollar Index Spot Overview Today last price 96.86 Today Daily Change 29 Today Daily Change % 0.28 Today daily open 96.59 Trends Daily ...
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