This Could Be the Difference Between a Life of Wealth and Poverty

Palm Beach Daily

This Could Be the Difference Between a Life of Wealth and Poverty

By Chaka Ferguson, managing editor, Palm Beach Daily

During one of the worst economic crises in U.S. history, the stock market is breaking records. In fact, after one of the biggest sell-offs in recent history back in March, the S&P 500 reached a new all-time high just this past week…

While Main Street continues to suffer from the economic fallout caused by the coronavirus pandemic, Wall Street is rolling in billions of dollars in profits. It’s insane. But Daily editor Teeka Tiwari says there’s one disruptive, revolutionary technology that can close the wealth gap in this country: Blockchain. In fact, Teeka believes it will create the biggest wealth shift in history

You see, blockchain is the underlying tech for bitcoin and the rest of the cryptos, now impacting industries like health care and supply chains. So the time to get in is now. It could be the difference between becoming a millionaire or getting left behind


We’re at a Fork in the Road – Which Way Will You Go?
Every 25 years or so, a new, disruptive technology comes along. And this will be the next one to disrupt our lives – and potentially create the country’s next millionaires


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For decades, only the rich and well connected made millions investing in these companies, until now. And after a brief setback, they’re taking off exactly as I predicted – creating a moneymaking opportunity for everyday investors


Don’t Fall for the IPO Hype… Do This Instead

Ordinary investors have been locked out of these deals for decades. But now, you can get into these companies – and potentially make life-changing gains


Want Venture Capital-Like Gains? Read This…
Despite the damaging effects the coronavirus pandemic has had on Main Street, the stock market is at record highs. But if you really want to build your wealth, consider investing in this market instead


Buy Bitcoin, Gold, and This “Hidden” Asset As Pandemic Protection
While Main Street continues to suffer, the market continues to climb higher. But with these three assets, you’ll protect your portfolio and potentially pocket massive gains – just like the ultra-connected



Chaka Ferguson
Managing Editor, Palm Beach Daily

P.S. Teeka believes blockchain is an unstoppable trend that could potentially create 818,236 new millionaires over the next three years… Those who get left behind could slide into poverty…

It’s a stark – and “scary” – prediction. But Teeka put together an urgent briefing to explain it all.

You can watch it right here.

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Tesla Exec Makes Desperate Plea

Tesla is facing a shortage of a critical metal…


CEO Elon Musk is so concerned, he even suggested Tesla might go into the mining business.

"We'll do whatever we have to do."

Now, there is a massive new discovery of lithium right here in America.

It's just 214 miles away from Tesla's giant Gigafactory.

And at full production, it could supply Tesla with 46 years' worth of lithium.

One tiny $4 company owns the mine.

And shares could soar if they sign a deal with Tesla.

Dave Forest discusses this developing situation and how investors can take advantage here.


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Get ready for an “aftershock” of the March crash
The man who predicted the 2020 crash… the 2008 crash… and the 2011 gold crash… now warns the coming months could either make you a fortune, or victim to the worst one-day decline since March 16.

“Most people will never see it coming,” he says.

Click here for the full details.


Study this photo – it could change your life
“What you see in this photo costs just $0.10 to produce and is no bigger than a grain of rock salt.

And yet, this same tiny discovery could soon remap the U.S. economy, create millions of new jobs, and make millions of regular Americans very rich.

This is such a breakthrough, I’ve actually written to the president to request a meeting. I think I’ll get it too. Why?”

– George Gilder

Click here to read my letter and to find out.


They called EXACT PEAK of Dot-com Boom. Here’s what they’re predicting now…
The firm that called the EXACT PEAK of the dot-com boom has just issued another major prediction.

If you’ve got money invested in the market – and especially in popular tech stocks – this is critical information for the days ahead…

Watch the Video.

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