We're Here to Answer Your Questions

Liberty Through Wealth


What Is This Made-for-NASA Tech Doing Outside of Walmart??

Outside Walmart

Twenty-five of the Fortune 100 companies now have this technology outside their stores. Get the story behind this Mars technology here.

Can't Fight the Future

Allison Brickell | Managing Editor | The Oxford Club

Allison Brickell

No one can predict the future. But we all worry about it.

And most of us are especially worried about our money. A recent survey from Capital One and The Decision Lab found that 77% of Americans feel anxious about their financial situation. And 68% reported that they're worried about not having enough money to retire.

Planning for your financial future takes more than buying a lottery ticket and hoping you'll get lucky. It takes strategy.

That's why we asked readers this week: Do you have a solid investing strategy?

More than 60% of respondents said they don't. Many of them told us they're not sure where to begin.

Like reader Arthur F. who wrote, "I don't even know how to start. Finding a broker is confusing." And reader Rachael L. who commented, "No. I need help! ... I'm badly in need of ways to make money quickly with not much money to begin with. I'm desperate."

Other respondents told us they're worried about planning for the future. Like reader David N. who wrote in, "Now a full-time grandpa to a 10-year-old. What is the best way to secure college funds for this little guy?" Click here to view all the responses to this week's poll.

Fortunately, Liberty Through Wealth readers have a leg up on the rest of America. Our expert strategists share their advice on finding the right broker, choosing investment strategies and understanding everything that's happening in the market every week.

And soon, Chief Investment Strategist Alexander Green will be answering many of your questions LIVE on Facebook. If you have a question for Alex, be sure to post it here. And stay tuned for his upcoming live town hall-style meeting!

Invest well,


Note: Comments may have been edited for spelling, grammar and/or clarity.


Here are the highlights from this week in Liberty Through Wealth:



Networks Are Trying to BAN Bill O'Reilly's Money Message

Bill O'Reilly Video

One network actually told us that it will NOT run Bill O'Reilly's wealth-building message because of its "conservative nature"!

This is a conspiracy in plain sight.

Watch O'Reilly's money message NOW, before it gets pulled from the internet forever.

COVID-19 Vaccine_
How to Profit From COVID-19 Vaccine Companies
By Nicholas Vardy
Profiting from the COVID-19 vaccine isn't a simple task with so many companies fighting to be the first with a viable vaccine... But there are several front-runners to be aware of.
Just How Much Is Enough?
By Alexander Green
A foundational question about defining wealth is "How much is enough?" As it turns out, the answer - and the definition of a rich life - is largely personal.


"The BEST Pain-Relief Cream I Have Ever Tried, Hands Down"

Rubbing in CreamReviews are pouring in for this breakthrough in pain-relief science. It's powerful... fast-acting... and nonaddictive... with results you can FEEL in mere seconds.

User Barbara L. said, "It's my new go-to for pain relief."

John H. called it "the holy grail of pain-reducing products."

And Sean R. wrote, "I love it. It helps so much with the pain."

If you suffer from pain in your joints, neck or back, don't waste another minute!


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