#1 Investing Reco This Year (HINT: It’s not a stock) Can you really trade options for income?

Our friends at Investing Daily Want to Share This Cool Options Strategy With You

Greetings reader,

For the past few years, Jim Fink has been using a unique move in the stock market to instantly collect $410... $950... $1,050... and even $1,300...

And the minute he tells folks it has to do with options – their eyes either roll – or glaze over. Sometimes both.

I can't say that I blame them...

Wall Street has most investors scared into believing options are complicated...

And a fast way to lose money.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

At least not the way Jim trades them.

Because instead of placing risky all-or-nothing bets...

His program focuses on generating consistent income

And today, over 2,000 investors follow his weekly recommendations...

Why not? All it takes is nine minutes a week. And you don't have to invest a dime up front.

Thousands of men and women who had never traded this way in their lives are doing it.

And some of them report making well over $100,000 a year.

You could too.

I'll show you how here.

Jason Love
Founder | Lead Trader

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