Buy this hated airline stock NOW?

The pilots are in revolt, the Justice Department just filed a lawsuit against them, the US is blocking their new merger, and air travel is down 80% as the world-wide pandemic rages on.

But in this free report you'll see why BUYING NOW could make you 620% gains.


Why would you want to buy shares of this hated airline stock?

It's simple...

It's because Wall Street insiders just purchased $266 million worth of their stock over the last 8 days alone.

They know something.

In fact, insiders are buying so many shares of this airline stock that they are trying to hide their activity.

You see, they don't want you to catch on to what they're doing. If you did, you might start buying too!

That could cause the price to rise too quickly and they don't want that to happen.

They have been buying at an average price of $21.08 and they want to get in long before you find out.

So they're using something called "Block Trades" and "Dark Pools" to buy stock at market prices, but do it in a way that it can take up to a WEEK for the rest of the market to see what they just did.

Sneaky, right?

Well, when you go here you'll see how we were able to crack their dirty little code and get the low-down on their secret buying.

This is your chance to follow along with these insiders.

They only try to hide their buying frenzy activity like this when they're convinced the stock is about to sky-rocket.

Usually because they have information you and I don't have.

They want you to believe the news. They want you to stay away. They want you to think this airline stock is a "bad buy."

That way they can invest HUNDREDS of millions of dollars while prices are low — then when you finally catch on and jump in they'll sell those shares right back to you at record high prices.

This is their game. But you don't have to be a victim.

Download your free report and see how to potentially book 620% on this airline stock by following along with these insiders.

Mike Burnick


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