Pablo Piovano posted new content

Latest content from Pablo Piovano
Feb 27, 2019 07:30 AM
Open interest in JPY futures markets dropped by more than 1K contracts on Tuesday from 187,401 contracts seen at the beginning of the week, according ...
Feb 27, 2019 07:05 AM
CME Group's preliminary figures for GBP futures markets noted open interest rose by more then 8k contracts on Tuesday vs. Monday's final 194,160 contr...
Feb 27, 2019 06:53 AM
In light of advanced figures for EUR futures markets, investors added around 1.9K contracts to their open interest positions on Tuesday from Monday's ...
Feb 27, 2019 06:27 AM
After testing fresh 3-week lows in sub-96.00 levels late on Tuesday, the greenback managed to get some traction and retake the 96.00 barrier when trac...
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