Editor's Note: We are always on the lookout for cutting-edge financial news to share with you. Below is a message from our colleagues over at Brownstone Research that we found particularly interesting. We urge you to continue reading. Dear Reader, When I was a young man, I didn't know the first thing about investing... I wanted to be an astronaut. So I studied aeronautical and astronautical engineering at Purdue University — the same school Neil Armstrong and 16 other astronauts graduated from. But when I graduated... I discovered an old back injury I sustained as an all-state quarterback disqualified me from the NASA program. I was crushed. So what did I do with all that knowledge? I went into the world of tech. And I spent three decades working at the executive level for some of Silicon Valley's leading companies. Here's why this is important for you... During my time inside Silicon Valley, I discovered things about the world of technology that have personally led me to extraordinary investment gains. Where others are over the moon if they average 20% returns on their stocks, I've routinely seen returns of 10X to 40X on my money. And right now, there's an incredible set-up that I believe has potential to create a new class of trillion-dollar tech companies and make early investors a fortune. For a limited-time, I'd like to give you access to a free event I recently held for my readers. It explains EVERYTHING about this situation. And in it, I reveal the blueprint for finding tech stocks on the verge of a big rise... It's a fun, fast-paced video — and most importantly, it's going to show you a few things about the tech market you can use to make more profitable investment decisions instantly! If I lost everything and had to start over... and build a million-dollar tech portfolio from scratch in today's market... this video shows you exactly how I would do it. I'm only making this available to you, because you're a regular reader of this publication... This link will remain active for a short time only. Please do not forward it to anyone. Enjoy! Jeff Brown Founder, Brownstone Research |