Valeria Bednarik posted new content

Latest content from Valeria Bednarik
Feb 24, 2019 14:43 PM
The AUD/USD pair seesawed between gains and losses but closed the week unchanged around 0.7130, as positive local data was overshadowed by Chinese n...
Feb 24, 2019 14:41 PM
Support levels: 110.45 110.10 109.75   Resistance levels: 110.90 111.15 111.45   View Live Chart for the USD/JPY ...
Feb 24, 2019 14:40 PM
The GBP/USD pair closed Friday and the week with gains, reversing late Friday a dive to 1.2967, to settle around 1.3050. The early slump came as mor...
Feb 24, 2019 14:38 PM
The EUR/USD pair closed marginally lower Friday for a third consecutive day, also drawing a third doji in-a-row in the daily chart. The greenback lo...
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