Master this “tool” and you’ll thank me later


Chuck Hughes here and I have a little bit of a confession to share with you:

The biggest reason I won 1st Place in more Trading Championships using real money than anyone else (in history) is because I use a relatively overlooked tool to stack the deck in my favor.

Not 10 tools. Not 5 tools. Just one tool that is not complicated to use (an 8-year old could probably learn it in an afternoon) but is so powerful, I was able to use it to win championship after championship after championship.

It feels good to be at the top. You can see how it feels (and get a copy of the tool) right here...

Grab How to Trade Options Like A Champion Here...

This "tool" is really just a pricing anomaly. And I call it an anomaly because it is. The vast majority of other traders miss this one. The big guys on Wall Street don't look at it, and it passes by day traders undetected daily.

Once you see it though - you can't unsee it. You'll see this trigger pop up over and over again. And with it, comes a high probability of positive trades.

How positive? I'm not going to get into details here, but that simple anomaly was enough for me to make $460,164 in actual profits my first two years of trading starting with just a $4,600 trading account.

My current option portfolio has a total of 12 winners... with an average profit of 268.53%... and just 1 small -9% loss.

Sound good? I thought so.

You see, this is how I win trading championships. It's also possible to make a nice living trading using this tool.

I normally charge upwards of $2K for trading tactics like this, but I'm tired of seeing good, kind and well-intentioned traders losing their savings on what seems like a daily basis. So I'm going to do something about it.

Now, I'm not sure how long I'll keep this up, but for the moment, this pricing anomaly tool is 100% complimentary if you go here...

Click here to get the report and pricing anomaly tool

I'm only going to open the gate for a few days, so if you're even slightly interested in adding something like this to your trading arsenal, you need to take action right now.

Best regards,
Chuck Hughes

P.S. And while you're at it, be sure to check out the tutorial you'll find conveniently located on the download page . . . In about 5 fast-paced minutes you'll discover an easy-to-follow plan for utilizing this pricing "glitch" to potentially bring championship winning results to your day to day trading.

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