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Apr 02, 2019 00:31 AM
Australia Building Permits (YoY): -12.5% (February) vs previous 28.6%...
Apr 02, 2019 00:30 AM
Australia Building Permits (MoM) came in at 19.1%, above expectations (-1%) in February...
Apr 01, 2019 23:51 PM
Japan Monetary Base (YoY) came in at 3.8%, below expectations (4.4%) in March...
Apr 01, 2019 23:00 PM
South Korea Consumer Price Index Growth (MoM) below expectations (0.35%) in March: Actual (-0.2%)...
Apr 01, 2019 23:00 PM
South Korea Consumer Price Index Growth (YoY) came in at 0.4%, below expectations (0.9%) in March...
Apr 01, 2019 21:07 PM
Following yet another day of Brexit voting in Parliament, there is still no majority for any of the four motions selected by Speaker John Bercow, whic...
Apr 01, 2019 21:00 PM
New Zealand NZIER Business Confidence (QoQ) dipped from previous -17% to -29% in 1Q...
Apr 01, 2019 14:00 PM
United States ISM Manufacturing PMI above forecasts (54.5) in March: Actual (55.3)...
Apr 01, 2019 14:00 PM
United States Construction Spending (MoM) above expectations (-0.2%) in February: Actual (1%)...
Apr 01, 2019 14:00 PM
United States Business Inventories above forecasts (0.5%) in January: Actual (0.8%)...
Apr 01, 2019 14:00 PM
United States ISM Prices Paid came in at 54.3, above forecasts (50.1) in March...
Apr 01, 2019 13:47 PM
United States Markit Manufacturing PMI came in at 52.4, below expectations (52.5) in March...
Apr 01, 2019 13:30 PM
Canada Markit Manufacturing PMI below expectations (52.8) in March: Actual (50.5)...
Apr 01, 2019 13:00 PM
Brazil HSBC PMI Manufacturing registered at 52.8, below expectations (53.5) in March...
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