New stock could put Paypal out of business

If you missed our alert on Monday, May 13th, you should be kicking yourself. This stock has been on FIRE. It’s DOUBLED since we came out with that alert. It was a mobile digital payments company and their technology is arguably better than Paypal, Zelle, and Venmo and leads in terms of security and speed.

However, they are not some pie in the sky company. They’ve raised $14 million in 2018 and have announced five big press releases that could catapult them into obscene heights. Especially the release that just came out signing a deal with one of the largest Esports & Egaming communities outside of Twitch. That Esports company is a publicly traded company that has 75 million monthly unique users and their stock has rocketed from $0.80 to $1.80 in the first quarter of 2019.

Why is this deal so big? Imagine getting FREE access (that's right, they don't have to pay for any of the advertising) to 75 million monthly unique users to showcase their brand new Esports digital wallet and payment platform.

Twitch's valuation is at $3.79 billion, our Monday alert's valuation is sitting just shy of $42 million (when we announced this special alert, their market cap was only $22 million). Their upside potential is enormous with their last announcement.

This company's got unbelievable tech and this new product roll-out will be the first of its kind in the Esports community.

You'd think more and more investors would be on to this stock since we've already seen some mobile payments stocks take off, but this one has flown under radars and could even surpass this year's high-flyers.

The best part is this stock could take off for two reasons...

1)  They are going to attack the unbanked and underbanked which is 25.2% of the entire US population!
2)  They will have access to 75 million monthly unique visitors per month across the 2nd largest Esports community in the world.

Let everyone else sleep on this beast.

You can still get the first look at this gem and it's still not too late to catch up and read the full report. However, we can't guarantee how long the stock will last at these levels.

Want the inside scoop?


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