Valeria Bednarik posted new content

Latest content from Valeria Bednarik
May 22, 2019 19:35 PM
The AUD/USD pair had little life of its own this Wednesday, having spent the day within a tight 30 pips' range. A modest uptick took place during Lon...
May 22, 2019 19:34 PM
Resistance levels: 110.65 110.95 111.25 View Live Chart for the USD/JPY ...
May 22, 2019 19:32 PM
Pound's bearish route extended to levels last seen in January against the greenback, with the GBP/USD pair edging lower for a ninth consecutive day. ...
May 22, 2019 19:31 PM
Brexit stole the show this Wednesday, leaving the EUR/USD pair confined to familiar levels, with the range exacerbated by the lack of relevant news. ...
May 22, 2019 13:49 PM
This Thursday, Markit will release the preliminary estimates of EU indexes related to growth in the manufacturing and the services sector. Given that ...
May 22, 2019 13:02 PM
Risk aversion returned with a vengeance as the US plans to hit more Chinese companies. US FOMC Meeting's Minutes not expected to surprise, yet dollar ...
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