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Jun 06, 2019 23:55 PM
Australia AiG Performance of Construction Index: 40.4 (May) vs previous 42.6...
Jun 06, 2019 23:52 PM
Japan JP Foreign Reserves climbed from previous $1293.5B to $1308B in May...
Jun 06, 2019 23:31 PM
Japan Overall Household Spending (YoY) below expectations (2.6%) in April: Actual (1.3%)...
Jun 06, 2019 14:30 PM
United States EIA Natural Gas Storage Change above expectations (111B) in May 31: Actual (119B)...
Jun 06, 2019 14:00 PM
Canada Ivey Purchasing Managers Index registered at 61.8 above expectations (56.2) in May...
Jun 06, 2019 14:00 PM
Canada Ivey Purchasing Managers Index s.a came in at 55.9 below forecasts (56.7) in May...
Jun 06, 2019 13:58 PM
India M3 Money Supply fell from previous 10.5% to 10.3% in May 31...
Jun 06, 2019 13:00 PM
Russia Central Bank Reserves $ climbed from previous $492.2B to $495.2B in May 31...
Jun 06, 2019 13:00 PM
Russia Consumer Price Index (MoM) in line with expectations (0.3%) in May...
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