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Jun 07, 2019 07:30 AM
United Kingdom Halifax House Prices (MoM) came in at 0.5%, above forecasts (-0.2%) in May...
Jun 07, 2019 07:30 AM
United Kingdom Halifax House Prices (3m/YoY) came in at 5.2%, above expectations (4.9%) in May...
Jun 07, 2019 07:15 AM
Switzerland Foreign Currency Reserves down to 760B in May from previous 772B...
Jun 07, 2019 06:45 AM
France Trade Balance EUR below forecasts (€-4.9B) in April: Actual (€-4.98B)...
Jun 07, 2019 06:45 AM
France Industrial Output (MoM) registered at 0.4% above expectations (0.3%) in April...
Jun 07, 2019 06:45 AM
France Imports, EUR declined to €47.29B in April from previous €48.5B...
Jun 07, 2019 06:45 AM
France Current Account rose from previous €-1.3B to €-0.8B in April...
Jun 07, 2019 06:45 AM
France Exports, EUR declined to €42.31B in April from previous €43.2B...
Jun 07, 2019 06:02 AM
South Africa Net $Gold & Forex Reserve declined to $43.178B in May from previous $43.245B...
Jun 07, 2019 06:02 AM
Germany Industrial Production n.s.a. w.d.a. (YoY) below forecasts (-1.7%) in April: Actual (-1.8%)...
Jun 07, 2019 06:01 AM
Denmark Current Account rose from previous 11.1B to 16.1B in April...
Jun 07, 2019 06:01 AM
South Africa Gross $Gold & Forex Reserve down to $48.329B in May from previous $49.538B...
Jun 07, 2019 06:01 AM
Denmark Trade Balance rose from previous 4.3B to 6.9B in April...
Jun 07, 2019 06:01 AM
Germany Trade Balance s.a. came in at €17B, below expectations (€18.6B) in April...
Jun 07, 2019 06:01 AM
Germany Current Account n.s.a. down to €22.6B in April from previous €30.2B...
Jun 07, 2019 06:01 AM
Norway Manufacturing Output up to 2.2% in April from previous -0.8%...
Jun 07, 2019 06:00 AM
Germany Imports (MoM) came in at -1.3%, below expectations (-0.2%) in April...
Jun 07, 2019 06:00 AM
Germany Exports (MoM) below forecasts (-0.9%) in April: Actual (-3.7%)...
Jun 07, 2019 06:00 AM
Denmark Industrial Production (MoM) down to 0.5% in May from previous 1%...
Jun 07, 2019 06:00 AM
Germany Industrial Production s.a. (MoM) below expectations (-0.4%) in April: Actual (-1.9%)...
Jun 07, 2019 05:45 AM
Switzerland Unemployment Rate s.a (MoM) meets forecasts (2.4%) in May...
Jun 07, 2019 05:07 AM
Japan Coincident Index registered at 101.9 above expectations (94.5) in April...
Jun 07, 2019 05:06 AM
Japan Leading Economic Index came in at 95.5, below expectations (96.1) in April...
Jun 07, 2019 04:30 AM
Netherlands, The Manufacturing Output (MoM) down to -0.6% in April from previous -0.5%...
Jun 07, 2019 01:49 AM
Japan Labor Cash Earnings (YoY) came in at -0.1%, above expectations (-0.7%) in April...
Jun 07, 2019 01:38 AM
Australia Investment Lending for Homes rose from previous -3.7% to -2.2% in April...
Jun 07, 2019 01:30 AM
Australia Home Loans below forecasts (-0.2%) in April: Actual (-1.2%)...
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