Valeria Bednarik posted new content

Latest content from Valeria Bednarik
Jun 03, 2019 19:49 PM
The Australian dollar trades against the greenback at its highest since mid-May, not far from the 0.7000 figure. The Aussie found support at the begi...
Jun 03, 2019 19:47 PM
Resistance levels: 108.65 109.00 109.40 View Live Chart for the USD/JPY ...
Jun 03, 2019 19:45 PM
The GBP/USD pair spent most of the day hovering around the 1.2640 price zone, having peaked at 1.2672 and bottomed at 1.2609. Fears of a hard-Brexit ...
Jun 03, 2019 19:44 PM
The American dollar started the week gapping higher against its European rivals amid weekend headlines indicating mounting global trade tensions. The...
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