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Sep 30, 2019 00:01 AM
New Zealand ANZ Activity Outlook came in at -1.8%, above forecasts (-3.5%) in September...
Sep 30, 2019 00:01 AM
New Zealand ANZ Business Confidence came in at -53.5, above expectations (-58.5) in September...
Sep 29, 2019 23:53 PM
Japan Retail Trade s.a (MoM) registered at 4.8% above expectations (0%) in August...
Sep 29, 2019 23:53 PM
Japan Retail Trade s.a (MoM) registered at -4.8%, below expectations (0%) in August...
Sep 29, 2019 23:52 PM
Japan Industrial Production (YoY) below expectations (-1.8%) in August: Actual (-4.7%)...
Sep 29, 2019 23:52 PM
Japan Industrial Production (MoM) below forecasts (-0.5%) in August: Actual (-1.2%)...
Sep 29, 2019 23:52 PM
Japan Large Retailers' Sales came in at 0.4%, above expectations (-1.8%) in August...
Sep 29, 2019 23:50 PM
Japan Retail Trade (YoY) came in at 2%, above forecasts (0.9%) in August...
Sep 29, 2019 23:00 PM
South Korea Service Sector Output came in at 1.2%, above expectations (-0.2%) in August...
Sep 29, 2019 23:00 PM
South Korea Industrial Output Growth below forecasts (-0.5%) in August: Actual (-1.4%)...
Sep 29, 2019 23:00 PM
South Korea Industrial Output (YoY) registered at -2.9%, below expectations (-0.2%) in August...
Sep 29, 2019 21:45 PM
New Zealand Building Permits s.a. (MoM) came in at 0.8%, above expectations (-2.7%) in August...
Sep 29, 2019 14:28 PM
Here is what you need to know on Monday, September 30th: Risk-off dominated the weekly close, following news suggesting that the US is considering put...
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