- 5 Ways to Boost Your SEO Right Away
- How to Boost Sales and Finish the Year Strong
- 4 Tips to End Brand Dilution and Get Your Real Marketing Message Out There
- How to Become a Successful Guest Blogger
- How to Choose a Paystub Generator
5 Ways to Boost Your SEO Right Away Posted: 22 Oct 2019 08:00 AM PDT Every small business owner needs a solid marketing plan. Traditionally, radio ads, billboards, magazine spreads and phone books were the places to be. However, those days are long gone. Digital marketing is now the number one marketing strategy businesses should focus on in this age of mobile internet searches. Think about it, what is the first thing you do when you need a new doctor, hairstylist, or restaurant to go to? You search Google. So you should probably make sure that you are giving your business every opportunity to show up there too. Search engine optimization (SEO) is not an easy process. It takes a lot of dedication and patience to get your business showing up in the top of the search results for relevant phrases. But when done right, the benefits can be huge. While it does take a lot of effort and likely the help of your web developers, there are several things that you can do on your own to give your business a great foundation for getting found in the search results. 1. Claim your Google My Business listingEvery business needs a Google My Business listing. This is how you show up on Google maps and in the little "map pack" of businesses with star ratings. This is the new Yellow Pages and it's the first place that consumers go to when searching for a new service. If you're not sure how to get started on this, Google has a great support site that can point you in the right direction. Go there to get started on claiming or creating your Google My Business listing. Google My Business allows you to input information about your business that helps customers find you and get to know more about you before making a purchase. Here's a list of things you absolutely want to make sure you have on your listing:
2. Get and respond to reviews on GoogleThis goes hand in hand with your Google My Business listing. Reviews are so important for any small business, especially if you're new to an area or trying to gain new leads over your competitors. But how can you get customers to leave reviews? The best way to get customers to leave you reviews, short of paying for a reputation management solution, is to simply invite them to do so. Happy customers don't often think to leave reviews, and mad customers are all too happy to give their input on a public platform. So, when you have a customer that is just raving about how wonderful their experience is with your business, ask them if they'd be willing to leave a review for you on Google. The worst that can happen is they say no, and now you've planted that seed so the next time they're online, they could very well leave you a positive review. The next step with reviews after getting them is responding to them. When you set up a Google My Business listing, you have access to log in, which allows you to respond to all of the reviews you receive. It's important to respond to all reviews, both negative and positive. Give the positive reviews a brief thank you response, while really taking your time with the negative reviews. For negative reviews, make sure to respond in a polite and professional manner even if you can't believe what you just read. One thing to keep in mind too is that it's not bad to get some bad reviews. This helps you look human and not like you've spammed a 5-star rating with gamed reviews. 3. Create more online directory listingsYou have a Google My Business listing, but there are other websites you can create listings on for free. These listings, commonly called citations in the SEO world, give your business more credibility, as Google sees your business information verified by multiple sources. The more of these listings you have, the better. It is important to note that as you create these listings, make sure that at least the business name, address and phone number (also called NAP) are exactly the same on all of them. Any inconsistencies can hurt you more than they help you. That means if you have the "LLC" at the end of your business name on Google, you need to make sure it's there on all of your online listings. Here are some of the bigger online directory listings that you should definitely be listed on:
4. Set up on-page signalsThere are several on-page signals that Google looks for to help give users the right information in the search results. Depending on the content management system (CMS) your website is built on, you may, or may not, need your web developer's help with this one. If you do have a simplified CMS, you can usually log into your website and find a field on each page for these items.
In each of these areas on any given page of your website, you can add relevant phrases to help Google see what the page is about. For example, if you are a landscaper and you have a page about "landscape design" you could include that phrase in each of these areas to help give your web page a good foundation for being found in the search results. Just make sure all of the placements of your searchable phrases look and feel very natural. Spammy keyword placements aren't good for Google or your customers' experience. 5. Write a blogGoogle loves to see fresh new content on your website. Find someone in your company who can commit to producing content on your website's blog once or twice a month. Beyond the good signals that writing new content sends to Google, some other advantages of writing a blog include providing valuable insight to customers, producing shareable content for your social media channels and providing more opportunities for other websites to link to your content. Here are some great ideas that you can use to produce content on your blog:
Even if all you do are these five simple tips, you'll be ahead of the majority of your competition. But SEO doesn't stop there. A lot more goes into it, and a digital marketing specialist can help you get to where you want to be. |
How to Boost Sales and Finish the Year Strong Posted: 22 Oct 2019 07:00 AM PDT Making it as a sales professional has never been easy, and these days it can seem harder than ever before now that the digital environment we're surrounded by provides tantalizing deals that are always just a few clicks away. Despite the challenges associated with being a salesperson, however, those who are struggling should understand that systematic reforms to how you approach the profession can radically reshape your performance and help you finish the year strong. If you are struggling to make ends meet and have seen your sales figures been dipping recently, here are four ways to boost your numbers and finish the year strong. Know the lay of the landPerhaps the most harmful mistake that many sales professionals make time and time again is a failure to understand the lay of the land. Many of those who are struggling to make ends meet when it comes to their sales haven't reviewed their competition in months or even years, yet the hectic activity of the modern marketplace ensures that someone is going to rise up against you sooner rather than later. Knowing when a new competitor emerges can be the difference between life or death, so the first thing you should focus on is thoroughly understanding your industry, where you stand within it and how you can go about climbing the hierarchy with success. Only after you've identified your most serious competitors can you move to bolster your own position. You should start by asking yourself if you're losing sales to a particular competitor, and if so, how. Writing down the reasons customers are flocking to your competitors can help you gather up effective responses to these defections. This will permit you to rope those customers back into your own economic corral. Knowing how to effectively evaluate your competition in order to compete more capably against them is an essential element of getting back on track as a struggling salesperson. Gathering information about your primary competitors also has the helpful tendency to elucidate your target market. If your competitors are targeting a narrow consumer demographic that you've previously shunned, for instance, it may be helpful to pivot to that under-targeted audience in an effort to expand your sales figures. Never discount researching the opposition as a means of bettering your own operations. Don't follow foolish trendsAnother surefire way to boost your sales figures and finish the year in a strong fashion is to avoid following in the footsteps of foolish competitors that back the wrong horse. This can be an incredibly difficult proposition; good salespersons will have to learn how to copy their successful competitors while avoiding the techniques relied upon by their shoddier counterparts. One popular trend that's been taking over the sales industry lately is a reliance on influencer marketing. If a salesperson refers to and relies on influencers, the argument goes, they'll see their figures shoot skywards in no time. As a matter of fact, a majority of respondents in a survey from Tomoson said that they intended to increase their influencer budget in the near future. For most salespersons, however, relying on influencers won't accomplish much other than wasting your already dwindling budget. For all the media hubbub that they've generated (it is, after all, their job) influencers are almost comically inept at actually changing consumer mindsets. Influencers usually don't influence anything at all, and salespeople who rely on dubious marketing trends to bolster their commercial standing will soon discover they've wasted their precious time and energy on another elaborate hoax. You should thus be cautious of hitching your horse to whatever bandwagon happens to come down the road. There are other, more effective measures of heightening your sales figures than tapping into exotic new trends that are more dramatic than they are effective. Classical means of bolstering your charisma, for instance, can go a long way towards helping you seal future deals. Improve your sales skillsThe most tried-and-true method used by salespeople to boost sales and finish their year with a strong effort is to improve upon your personal sales skills. This is often easier said than done, but there are practical ways that one can go about living their everyday life that bolsters their persuasiveness and ability to charm prospective customers. Experts have also gone to great lengths to prove that you don't have to be a full-time salesperson to understand the appeal of giving a good pitch. As the Harvard Business Review illustrates, bolstering your personal sales skills usually begins by focusing on your charisma, as sales aren't so much about pushing things upon people, as it is persuading them why they need such things in the first place. Salespeople who enjoy great success are usually those who are actually invested in the wellbeing of their customers. They are invested to such an extent that they can persuasively argue that the item or service they're selling will radically improve that customer's day-to-day experience. Familiarizing yourself with the target demographic isn't enough here – you need to consider the practical everyday uses of what your selling and ask yourself how to make it appealing to those who use it often. Of course, practice also makes perfect, so don't think that you can boost your sales without staring into a mirror and practicing your sales pitch time and time again until it's perfect. Sometimes, soliciting the honest feedback of your peers is essential towards getting this right, as you may need someone else to point out a flaw in your sales pitch before you can identify it and move to remedy it yourself. Finish your year off with gustoFinally, it's worth knowing that finishing off the year in a strong fashion often entails turning back to old prospects to see if they've since changed their minds. No salesperson is perfect, and you'll soon find that a shoddy pitch you delivered to a prospective customer can be turned into a refined, effective pitch that wins them over the second time around. But, that will only happen if you practice it over and over again until you get it right. Clients who turned you and a lackluster presentation away in January may be finding you and your more attractive presentation in December to be much more alluring. You should also be ready and willing to seek out referrals wherever they may be found. If a customer enjoys your product or service, don't be afraid to ask them if they're aware of others who may be liable to make a similar purchase. Consumers often want to spread the news of their new purchase anyway, so tapping into the innate social desire to share as a means of getting more prospective leads is an excellent way to finish your year off with gusto. Thoroughly evaluating the competition, being brutally honest during periods of introspection, and demonstrating a dogged willingness to try and try again until you get it right are all necessary parts of boosting your sales and finishing the year strong. Even amateur salespeople understand that failing once doesn't mean you won't ever succeed again, as being turned away is a natural part of being in sales. What separates the real winners from the losers is the ability to get back up, brush the dirt off your shoulders and get back to work with more perseverance than ever before. |
4 Tips to End Brand Dilution and Get Your Real Marketing Message Out There Posted: 22 Oct 2019 06:00 AM PDT
Dilution occurs when a brand story travels from the marketing department, where it was created, to other internal teams and loses its original meaning and impact. When messages become a shadow of what they were before ever reaching customers, they damage a brand more than build it up in a big way. InnerView recently partnered with FocusVision to conduct a study on brand dilution and its effects. That study found that 59% of respondents said that brand dilution was a problem in their organizations, and more than one-quarter estimated the financial costs to exceed $10 million every year. Brand Dilution: The invisible taxThink of brand dilution as an invisible tax. Just like the taxes you pay, you don't feel the sting every day, but the total cost can be staggering over time. If even 1 of every 100 customers stops engaging with your brand, the impact that has on your bottom line can be shocking. Too many businesses spend money driving customers into the stores – where it's anyone's guess which version of the brand story they'll hear – instead of addressing the reality that those messages barely resemble the ones their marketing teams created. Unfortunately, this pain is one that many companies have decided to live with. They know it's bad, but it feels more chronic than treatable. And ignoring the problem creates the perfect conditions for that brand dilution tax to add up. So how do you keep your story clear and messages undiluted? The answer is easy: Focus on frontline teams and the people who support them. Avoiding brand dilutionSo much of a company's success depends on the customer-facing teams telling its brand story. Because of this, it's critical that this aspect become a much bigger part of the go-to-market planning and investment than they currently are. Brands looking to combat the cost of dilution by investing in their frontline teams as storytellers should follow these steps. 1. Admit it: You probably have this problemTake a look at recent initiatives or products your company has launched. Are you getting the traction you projected? If not, dilution is likely part of the problem. The story isn't getting through. Put together some estimates on the financial impact that the inconsistent story could be having on the initiative. Levi's, for example, is pretty well-known for being a maker of casual, rugged clothing. When the brand tried to launch a line of men's suits, the dilution came quickly, and the launch didn't turn out. As a result, the company had put a significant amount of money toward an initiative that didn't align with its brand story or identity and saw no success. More than that financial cost, the brand lost credibility for some time; people wondered why it had tried to reinvent what was already a strong identity and story just to break into a new market. All of that is to say that you should think strategically through new initiatives and launches. Do they align with who you are and what you promise to do? If not, you'll see the effects of that disconnect in no time, and those effects can signal where change might be needed. 2. Open a dialogue between marketing and salesIf you find a good test case for your dilution investigation, the next step is to figure out where the disconnect is. Ask your frontline teams what they think about the product or initiative, and find out where they might see holes that need repairing. When you do this, you gain a better understanding of what they really think of the messages they're being asked to communicate. At InnerView, we use a methodology called the Brand Transfer Score, which pinpoints where the message is misaligned and how bad the dilution really is. However, marketers can gather input through simple surveys or focus groups to identify where the story might be suffering and use that input to clear it up. Simply by starting to engage with your frontline teams, you are closer to clearing up the dilution. 3. Focus on the initial sparkToo often, companies tell their people the results they want them to achieve without telling them where to start. After collecting input from your teams, focus on one simple action or portion of the story and help them excel at it. Inertia is the biggest obstacle to overcome, so focus on getting the boulder rolling slowly at first. Keep in mind that it doesn't always mean non-movement, though. Active inertia, an organization's inclination to stick to tried-and-true approaches even in the face of change or the need for it, can be even worse. Firestone Tires, one of the most successful tire brands in the U.S. at one time, exemplifies the downfalls of active inertia. When competitor Michelin introduced radial tires to the U.S. market, Firestone responded quickly and began producing radial tires, too. But it forgot one crucial thing: The producer didn't change its processes or operations to meet its new needs because it assumed that taking action was enough. Action has to be strategic and well planned. By the end of the next decade, the company had lost a significant number of shares in U.S. markets and got acquired by another competitor. For most companies, focusing on a simple starting point can translate to higher mention rates for their key products and services, bolstering conversions and the bottom line. 4. Reinvent how you engage with the team.If you want your frontline teams to tell your story differently, try engaging them in new and unique ways. Tuning in to what support they need can make all the difference in their actions. Remember, the "how" is just as important as the "what" when it comes to this communication. Our data shows that training tactics like emails and webinars are common, but they fail to gain attention or drive engagement with employees. Similarly, having a one-sheet for information and posting it to the company intranet doesn't compel employees to stay with you and learn more. Tell the story you want them to tell in a way that captures their attention. Consider creating online "webisodes" that show your frontline teams talking about and using a product and utilizing them as part of your training. Personalizing those tactics to meet the needs of your frontline teams can be a powerful tool. So forget the invisible tax that comes as a result of brand dilution. It's time to invest in building consistent messages and supporting the teams that share them. While dilution is a costly problem, it's one that has a real solution. By focusing on making the right connections and supporting your teams, you not only equip them to share your story with customers in the best way possible, but you also make that story a powerful tool for your brand. |
How to Become a Successful Guest Blogger Posted: 22 Oct 2019 06:00 AM PDT When you create a blog, the first stages of its inception are tricky. You need to gather enough interested readers to watch your numbers grow and your content spread. Trying to build an audience from scratch can be a tremendous challenge. That's why guest blogging is an effective marketing tactic. Guest blogging is writing valuable, compelling content for other websites so your brand gets closer to reaching its goals. Posting on well-known, authority websites is a great way to expose your content to new readers, build buzz around your brand and drive traffic to your website. While some companies have used this strategy to acquires thousands of news users in a short period of time, you need to do it correctly since Google doesn't mess around with spammy SEO tactics. It's easier to organically drive traffic to your site when you have compelling content that draws readers in. It must be relevant to their interests, help them solve a problem, or teach them something new. If you're deciding whether or not guest blogging is the marketing tactic for you, consider its benefits.
Now that you know the benefits of guest blogging, the next step is a find a way to become successful at. Here are four tactics to consider when starting out as a guest blogger 1. Set firm goalsWhen you set out on your guest blogging campaign, it's crucial to pick a few goals and stick to them. This narrows your focus so you're able to follow through until the end. It also helps you pick the guest posting opportunities that best align with your objectives so you see results. If you choose more than a few, it becomes overwhelming and you won't progress as far. Think about what results you want to see from guest posting, such as:
Use specific numbers and targets when creating your campaign goals so you know how far you're trying to go. Give yourself a set amount of time so you apply and enforce the rules appropriately. Set a realistic deadline that gives you enough time to find opportunities and publish on different platforms. 2. Search for relevant opportunitiesIt's crucial to pitch to websites that are relevant to your industry and target market. If you're a food blogger who pitches to a sports website, the chances of them accepting your pitch are slim to none because your content isn't relevant to their readers. It doesn't bring them value, so there's no point in presenting your blog post idea to them. When searching for guest blogging opportunities, it's crucial that those sites' audiences align with yours. It's also important to post on high-quality blogs that are known for producing valuable content. If you publish your content on low-ranking websites or sites that don't offer the best quality content themselves, you're setting yourself up for failure. You want new readers to discover you on blogs they trust and rely on for accurate, resourceful information. There are endless combinations of keywords and search terms you can enter to find guest posting opportunities:
3. Create a pitchYou may have a solid idea for a blog post, but if you don't know how to pitch, no editor or publisher is going to take you seriously. If your blog is new, you need to work extra hard to ensure your pitch is polished, concise and straight to the point. Remember that authoritative blogs receive numerous pitches for new content, so if yours doesn't stand out immediately, it may not see the light of day. First, make sure your topic is relevant for the site you're pitching to. Take a look at their existing blog posts and see what kind of content they're currently publishing. Pay attention to the topics and which ones do well with readers, garner lots of shares and rack up comments. Next, read their guidelines carefully. Since well-known blogs receive a higher number of pitches, they don't have time for submissions that don't match their criteria. It shows you didn't take the time to read the rules thoroughly, and this leaves them with a negative impression. Let them know who you are and why you want to write for them. Was there an article on their site that caught your eye? Did someone you admire write for them and inspire you to do the same? Think about things that set you apart so whoever reads your email feels intrigued to respond and give you a spot. 4. Write an awesome blog postOnce your pitch is accepted, it's time to create a quality blog post that offers value to readers and makes them want to share. As long as you know your target audience, it shouldn't be difficult to produce content they want to consume. Add statistics, data, case studies and other information that solidifies your points and backs up your claims. Give enough examples to convince readers of what you tell them. Teach them how to do something better or go in-depth about a broad topic. Write an attention-grabbing headline that catches their attention, expresses its benefits and uses actionable verbs. If it's true that 80% of users read your headline, but only 20% continue to read the post, then your headline must be compelling and unique. Ensure that your blog post is skimmable since most people don't read every single word and prefer to scan the page. Keep a conversational tone that mirrors a one-on-one conversation with a friend to refrain from boring users. Follow the website's formatting guidelines and apply them to your post. And don't forget to insert a call to action to ensure that readers take the action you want them to. To make sure you get results from your guest blogging campaign, you can download a Google Analytics plugin. It gives you information about how much referral traffic goes to your website, how users engage with your content and how long they stay. These are all important metrics to track to ensure your campaign is a success. Guest blogging is an exciting endeavor that, when done correctly, takes your website from zero to 100. It puts your content in front of new, eager eyes, drives traffic to your website, generates leads for your business, and so much more. If you have yet to take advantage of this marketing strategy, it's time to start brainstorming content ideas and pitching to authority sites. |
How to Choose a Paystub Generator Posted: 22 Oct 2019 05:30 AM PDT If you run a small business and don't partner with a payroll processing company, you have to process payroll manually. This means understanding your state's laws, finding your employer identification number, calculating employee hours and handling deductions. It's also crucial that you provide paystubs to your employees. Paystubs allow your employees to track important financial information, like taxes paid, and help you keep payroll records. Generating paystubs can be time-consuming, especially if you have a lot of employees. Paystubs are a necessary part of payroll, so it's important to develop a system to quickly churn them out. Spending all your time calculating paystubs and running payroll defeats the purpose of running a small business – you should be focused on business decisions, not administrative work. Luckily, there are many options for paystub generators. There are free versions where you can easily input your company data and get a usable, respectable paystub. There are also some paid sites where, for a few dollars per month, you can get quality paystubs with some added features. The right solution for you depends mainly on your business's size. If you're only paying two employees, a free version probably makes the most sense. If you run a dynamic small business with 10 or 20 workers, you need a reliable system to produce paystubs for your workers. Below is a breakdown of both free and paid paystub generators, how they work, and why you should consider using them. The main difference between free and paid paystub generators is that the paid generators help you with the calculations. The free ones require you to do the calculations on your own and input your results into a paystub template.
Editor's note: Looking for information on payroll systems? Use the questionnaire below, and our vendor partners will contact you with the information you need:
Free paystub generatorsFree paystub generators are a great resource for very small businesses. They work quite simply: You calculate your payroll based on state and federal taxes and deductions, then you enter your results into a paystub template. The online service will then generate a paystub for free. Free paystub generators are not as robust as the paid versions, but they are still extremely useful for small businesses. If you're used to processing payroll on your own, a free paystub generator is a quick way to get paperwork done. Here are two examples of free paystub generators worth trying for your small business.
Paid paystub generatorsWhile there are some solid free paystub generator options, there are far more paid options. Generally, companies charge per paystub, or they provide a bundle of paystubs for a certain cost. The right pricing model for you depends on your business's needs and volume. Also, you should only sign up for one of these generators if you're processing payroll on your own. If you partner with a payroll service, paystubs are part of your overall service. Some paid services allow you to customize the color or theme of the paystub. You may also be able to put your company logo on the paystub as a watermark. You should know all the features a paid paystub generator offers and which ones you want before you decide to build it into your payroll process. Here are a few examples of paid paystub generators to consider.
Paystub templatesAll paystubs follow very similar templates. If you don't want to use a paystub generator, you can download paystub templates and fill them out on your own. If you use a template or create a paystub template on your own, here are some important details to include:
How to create a paystubBetween paystub generators and template downloads, you have many options to create a paystub. The most basic would be downloading a free template and inputting each employee's information. Paystub generators are a good option for companies with several employees. There are also some other options. Microsoft Excel, for example, provides its own paystub template. You can crunch numbers directly in Excel using its free template spreadsheet. This is the best way to process payroll on your own and create quick, simple paystubs. [Interested in online payroll services? Check out our reviews and best picks.] Creating a paystub is as simple as filling out your company and employee information. If you're skilled in Microsoft Word or Excel, you could create your own template, but with so many free template out there, it's worth it to download Excel's at the very least. Make sure you include all the important information listed above in each paystub you create. Paystubs are essential for any small business. You need them for your records, and your employees may need to refer to them for tax purposes. From free templates to paid online generators, there are services to meet whatever your business needs to produce paystubs. Make sure you do your research and find the solution that works best for your company. When it comes to paystub generators, finding something that works on a long-term basis is essential, as you'll have to run payroll (usually) twice a month for the entirety of your business's existence. |
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