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Oct 03, 2019 00:33 AM
Japan Jibun Bank Services PMI in line with forecasts (52.8) in September...
Oct 03, 2019 00:06 AM
Ireland Purchasing Manager Index Services fell from previous 54.6 to 53.1 in September...
Oct 03, 2019 00:03 AM
Australia Commonwealth Bank Services PMI below expectations (52.5) in September: Actual (52.4)...
Oct 03, 2019 00:03 AM
Australia Commonwealth Bank Composite PMI climbed from previous 51.9 to 52 in September...
Oct 03, 2019 00:01 AM
New Zealand ANZ Commodity Price came in at 0%, below expectations (0.4%) in September...
Oct 02, 2019 23:50 PM
Japan Foreign Investment in Japan Stocks rose from previous ¥-1177.8B to ¥-221.2B in September 27...
Oct 02, 2019 23:50 PM
Japan Foreign Bond Investment increased to ¥869.2B in September 27 from previous ¥-164B...
Oct 02, 2019 22:31 PM
Australia AiG Performance of Services Index: 51.5 (September) vs 51.4...
Oct 02, 2019 20:00 PM
Here is what you need to know on Thursday, October 3rd: The greenback maintained its sour tone amid persistent fears about a US recession. US ADP surv...
Oct 02, 2019 15:00 PM
Denmark Currency Reserves: 445B (September) vs previous 446.6B...
Oct 02, 2019 14:30 PM
United States EIA Crude Oil Stocks Change came in at 3.104M, above expectations (1.567M) in September 27...
Oct 02, 2019 13:45 PM
United States ISM-NY Business Conditions Index below expectations (47.5) in September: Actual (42.8)...
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