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Oct 01, 2019 23:51 PM
Japan Monetary Base (YoY) came in at 3% below forecasts (3.1%) in September...
Oct 01, 2019 23:02 PM
United Kingdom BRC Shop Price Index (YoY) declined to -0.6% in August from previous -0.4%...
Oct 01, 2019 20:59 PM
United States API Weekly Crude Oil Stock declined to -5.92M in September 27 from previous 1.4M...
Oct 01, 2019 20:34 PM
Here is what you need to know on Wednesday, October 2nd: The dollar strengthened during the first half of the day amid prevalent dollar's demand but s...
Oct 01, 2019 20:00 PM
Argentina Tax Revenue (MoM) declined to 422B in September from previous 458.495B...
Oct 01, 2019 19:00 PM
Brazil Trade Balance registered at 2.246B, below expectations (3.2B) in September...
Oct 01, 2019 14:51 PM
New Zealand GDT Price Index above expectations (0.1%): Actual (0.2%)...
Oct 01, 2019 14:00 PM
United States ISM Manufacturing PMI below expectations (50.1) in September: Actual (47.8)...
Oct 01, 2019 14:00 PM
United States ISM Prices Paid came in at 49.7, above forecasts (48.5) in September...
Oct 01, 2019 14:00 PM
United States Construction Spending (MoM) below forecasts (0.4%) in August: Actual (0.1%)...
Oct 01, 2019 13:46 PM
United States Markit Manufacturing PMI above forecasts (51) in September: Actual (51.1)...
Oct 01, 2019 13:31 PM
Canada Markit Manufacturing PMI registered at 51 above expectations (50.4) in September...
Oct 01, 2019 13:00 PM
Brazil HSBC PMI Manufacturing came in at 53.4, above expectations (51) in September...
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