Yohay Elam posted new content

Latest content from Yohay Elam
Nov 21, 2019 15:34 PM
The SCMP is reporting that a high-profile signing ceremony of the Hong-Kong bill may anger China. EUR/USD and GBP/USD are on the back foot. More comin...
Nov 21, 2019 14:51 PM
Gold: failure to capitalize on momentum may disappoint bulls The failure of gold to push ahead in its recovery momentum will come as a disappointment ...
Nov 21, 2019 14:35 PM
Aurora Cannabis Incorporated (ACB), the Edmonton-based company, has leaped by over 12% on Wednesday and closed at a price of $3.50. Its recent rises d...
Nov 21, 2019 14:09 PM
No new tariffs – at least according to the South China Morning Post (SCMP) – even if the US and China fail to reach a trade deal by December 15. The n...
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