Pablo Piovano posted new content

Latest content from Pablo Piovano
Dec 06, 2019 12:28 PM
The selling mood around the single currency coupled with the renewed demand for the Japanese yen are dragging EUR/JPY to daily lows in the 120.40 area...
Dec 06, 2019 11:34 AM
Prices of the West Texas Intermediate are hovering around the $58.00 mark per barrel on Friday ahead of the OPEC+ press conference. WTI waits for conf...
Dec 06, 2019 10:50 AM
Some profit taking sentiment is hurting the British pound at the end of the week, helping EUR/GBP to regain some poise and advance to the mid-0.8400s....
Dec 06, 2019 08:59 AM
El optimismo alrededor de la moneda común permanece intacto hacia el final de la semana de negocios, con EUR/USD ahora sobrevolando la vecindad de 1.1...
Dec 06, 2019 08:39 AM
EUR/USD trades on a consolidative mood on Friday ahead of the critical US Non-farm Payrolls. The near-term bullish bias in the pair looks unchanged. T...
Dec 06, 2019 08:29 AM
DXY is prolonging the leg lower to the 97.40/35 band at the end of the week, losing ground for the sixth session in a row so far. The recent breakdown...
Dec 06, 2019 08:20 AM
Economist Lee Sue Ann at UOB Group sees the BI cutting rates early next year following a potential rate cut by the Fed. Key Quotes "BI's 7-day Reverse...
Dec 06, 2019 08:15 AM
EUR/JPY is seen some corrective downside after two consecutive daily advances, although the price action remains well within the recent familiar range...
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