The Five Best Cryptocosm Articles of 2019

Gilder's Daily Prophecy

December 26, 2019


This maverick trader called the Crash of 2008 to a T…

Doug and GrahamAnd you NEED to know what he says is coming next…

But more importantly, you need to know his new moneymaking secret. [Warning: Must watch by Midnight Friday]

That's because it could help protect your assets…

And could even help you double your money in as little as four days — over and over again!

The proof is in our brief new video interview with this incredible financial genius. See it FREE right here.

The Five Best
Cryptocosm Articles of 2019

George GilderDear Daily Prophecy Reader,

As a Gilder's Daily Prophecy reader, you get my insights and technology predictions on a daily basis.

I'm always ready to share the ideas I'm tracking, the information I gather from my years of research and knowledge, and I even detail my travels around the globe.

But there's one topic I'm always laser focused on: the Cryptocosm. 

Here are my top five articles on the Cryptocosm in 2019.

1. A Radical Cosmic Reboot Has Commenced

Here on the cue ball — otherwise known as a fantasy world — we all live defenseless behind the diaphanous garb of our Internet Protocol (IP) addresses where we can be hacked and phished by unseen predators and obtrusive ad purveyors lurking in the clouds of big data.

You can read more here.

2. Life in Tech is Full of Poignant Surprises 

Just as today's technology buffs see the future in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, 5G next generation wireless, genetic engineering, and crypto advances — in those days you could preen as a futurist by talking up tech fashions of the day. I was already touting virtual reality, all optical networks, broadband wireless, and smartphones (or "teleputers" as I called them).

Click here to get a truly Olympian view of the future.

3. Doomsday for Google Marxism

Google has pulled off a fabulous accomplishment. It grew a company from nothing to a $700 billion market cap behemoth. It has dominated in the world of search and cloud computing. We live in the Google era. There's no doubt about that. But that era is coming to an end. I chose Google to highlight the problems with the current Internet infrastructure because the company is fundamentally flawed.

You can find out all of the details here.

4. The Key to Fixing a Broken Paradigm

The way you can identify a broken paradigm is that the problem gets worse the more money you spend on it. Case in point: Internet security. Clearly, internet security and the global scandal of money are two of the world's most obvious broken paradigms. That's why I'm so tuned in to advancements of the blockchain, and why I believe the heart of most wealth creation over the next 10 years will be the Cryptocosm.

Go here to read more about this enormous upside potential.

5. A Tsunami of Technological Transformation

The reason prevailing economic and political theories are so difficult to grasp is that they find no confirmation in reality, like debates over pinhead angels or the "intelligence" of computers.

So to meet the investment challenge over the next few years Americans will have to fumigate the halitosis and face the rigors of the real world.

Click here to uncover the key to reaping the most rewards.


George Gilder

George Gilder
Editor, Gilder's Daily Prophecy

Stunning New Prediction for 2020

You're going to want to see this — America's #1 futurist just came out with a stunning new prediction for what could happen in 2020.

And surprise, it's got nothing to do with Trump. Or trade wars. Or the ongoing gyrations on Wall Street.

In fact, this could be your one chance to ignore all that upsetting "fake news" … and get back to the business of getting exceedingly rich instead.

It's all in the forecast you'll find at this link — click now.

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