Pablo Piovano posted new content

Latest content from Pablo Piovano
Mar 23, 2020 12:44 PM
The renewed offered tone i the greenback is now giving extra legs to the single currency and the sterling, pushing at the same time EUR/GBP further no...
Mar 23, 2020 11:24 AM
EUR/USD is expected to remain under pressure amidst the ongoing low liquidity conditions and heightened volatility coupled with looser monetary condit...
Mar 23, 2020 11:02 AM
DXY has resumed the upside and left behind Friday's pullback, managing to regain the buying interest and retest 2020 highs in the vicinity of 103.00 t...
Mar 23, 2020 10:11 AM
EUR/JPY keeps the consolidative theme well in place for yet another session on Monday. In the meantime, and against the backdrop of the ongoing consol...
Mar 23, 2020 09:16 AM
The greenback, in terms of the US Dollar Index (DXY) has started the week on a positive footing, managing to test the area of 2020 highs just below 10...
Mar 23, 2020 08:24 AM
After climbing to the 1.0770 region earlier in the session, EUR/USD has now come under some selling pressure and recedes to the area below the 1.0700 ...
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