πŸ“Œ Staples Stocks Just Ran Out of TP, but Tech Doesn’t Seem to Care.

Over the past several days, the market has finally started to dig in a little and we didn't see a limit down event overnight or a trading stoppage during normal market hours.
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Good morning. I hope you were able to relax over the weekend and didn't have to wait outside of your local Costco for a long while as they limit the number of entrants. When it's finally your turn, you got a squirt of hand sanitizer and a freshly wiped down cart.

Nice touch, but I'll take a shorter wait time please. I'm struggling a little bit, as you can tell, with what is considered essential services and what isn't. Nobody seems to want to consult me. Well, maybe they shouldn't.
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25 Stocks You Should Sell Immediately
America's #1 stock picker has been predicting winners, as well as losers, for more than a decade and today he's revealing his 25 stocks to sell now.

DOW 19,173.98 -4.557%
S&P 2,304.92 -4.34%
NASDAQ 6,879.52 -3.79%
*As of market close
Stocks fell 4.34%, as the market slipped below the March 16 low at the close.
Oil fell 8.760%, as we finished the week above $20.
Gold rallied 1.47%, as dollar demand eased.
Cryptocurrencies traded flat on the day, as Bitcoin finished over 0.23% higher to close at $6205.

Today's TOP TIPS
3 Chipmakers Signaling a Potential Chinese Manufacturing Recovery
The current environment is an uncertain one, but investors are doing their best to sort through the ashes and attempt to find value. Upgrades on Friday led to some nice early moves that were mostly faded.

Technology stocks have been market leaders for so long and even during the recent sell-off the Nasdaq 100 (NDX) has outperformed the S&P 500 (SPX). It makes sense that traders will go back to what has worked so well in the next rally. » FULL STORY

Option Traders Bought a Large Amount Calls on this COVID-19 Vaccine Stock on Friday
Inovio Pharmaceuticals (INO) has been high on the list of companies that traders have been speculating on as the race for a vaccine continues. While it may be 12 to 18 months away from being available for public use, that doesn't mean that there isn't opportunity right now as the probabilities of a positive outcome are reflected every day in the movement of the stock price.


Carl Icahn's Investment in this Car Rental Company May Finally be Paying Off
Stocks that are down precipitously are generally down for a reason, and right now most companies are getting hammered because of high debt levels. With leverage nearly double the industry average, Hertz Global Holdings Inc (HTZ) has paid a price, despite its solid fleet management and cost containment strategy.

However, Carl Icahn, who is over a 10% owner in the company, purchased nearly 12M shares, increasing his holdings of HTZ by 25%. It looks like he's finally being rewarded.


Here's what happened to the stock market on Friday
U.S. airlines call for payroll protections as aid talks continue
Starbucks Closes Most Stores in U.S. and Canada for Two Weeks
Oil-Sands Workers Brace for 'Hellish' Outbreak in Remote Camps
Leveraged-Loan Stress Prompts U.S. to Discuss Ways to Ease Pain
Coronavirus: Dow erases Trump presidency gains
Auto Dealers Saw Minor Dip in Demand, Then the Bottom Fell Out
Biggest Utility Bankruptcy in U.S. History Is Nearing an End
Delta Air Suspends Dividend, Buybacks With Cash Burn Worsening
Here's a breakdown of the Fed's rescue programs to keep credit flowing during the pandemic

CCL 20%
MGM 18.312%
MOS 16.667%
UAL 15.132%
MPC 13.337%
FLIR 18.726%
WEC 18.051%
ARNC 16.404%
L 16.215%
RMD 15.988%

Quote of the Day
We think this is going to play out very strongly over the remainder of March, as well into April, with very strong declines.
- Tyson Jominy, vice president of data and analytics for J.D. Power, quoted by Bloomberg

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My car windows were smashed visiting USA's richest ZIP code
Something remarkable happened when I recently visited America's richest ZIP code. It's far from Manhattan, Palm Beach, and Beverly Hills. But this place holds a secret that can make you enormous gains (I believe 1,000% or more) in the years to come. Learn more and see my photos here…

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