Yup, futures are down -5% (do this)

you don't need stocks...

Sorry if this is getting old... and I know it's late... but:

It's Sunday night and we hit the "limit-down" maximum (again) after Dow futures fell 5%. Get used to it -- volatility isn't going away anytime soon.

In terms of headlines, we're in the calm before the storm. Economic and coronavirus news over the next few weeks will be rough, zero doubt about it.

That's why I've been urging everyone part of the WealthPress family -- readers and team members alike -- to be proactive. Get ahead of it.

I've been trading for over a quarter-century. I've seen a lot and traded everything: Stocks... gold... options.. commodities... futures... currencies... bonds... everything.

That means I know for a fact that there's always an opportunity. Stocks may be volatile and moving lower right now, but that's a small part of the trading universe.

So tomorrow morning I'm sending one of my most important alerts -- Jump Trades.

There won't be one stock ticker in there -- it trades currencies and gold. Not directly -- I don't expect you to open a Forex account or buy physical gold -- through ETFs.

In the past two weeks this strategy has delivered a 103.6% return while the S&P 500 fell 23%. Perfect -- exactly as designed.

Hedges and diversification are "the only free lunch in finance" -- take advantage.

I hope you get in on tomorrow's Jump Trades.

Here's what your fellow WealthPress traders had to say:

"It's profitable even in this down market where everyone else is getting clobbered, I can rest easy knowing my investments are doing great."

"Jump Trades are worth the initial subscription cost. I earned over 286% and joined the trade 1-week into the recommendation. Loving it!"

"Easy, straightforward trades... Anyone can do it"

"It takes minimal time and effort and once you set it you don't worry about it for 2 weeks... Easy trade to do, don't have to be glued to your computer."

Get started now.

Roger Scott

Disclaimer: Always Do Your Own Research while a potential for rewards exists, by investing, you are putting yourself at risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in any type of security and consult with a licensed investment professional before making an investment. Investing is inherently risky. Past performance of any trading system or methodology is not indicative of future results. Please it is very important to have a full understanding Click Here to read our Full Disclaimer

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RogersRadar 10950-60 San Jose Blvd #324 Jacksonville, Florida 32223 United States (213) 255-5921

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