Dear Reader,
If you have money in a checking, savings or retirement account, what I am about to tell you could send you straight into cardiac arrest.
This information is so alarming, so unbelievable, and could be so devastating you'll have a hard time believing it's even true.
The worst part is almost EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN IS AT RISK!
What I'm talking about goes by many names…
- H.R. 4173
- The Dodd-Frank Act
- Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
This bill effectively gives banks the right to "seize" whatever money you have on deposit with them should the bank(s) get into financial trouble like so many of them did in 2008.
Every dollar you have in your checking, savings or retirement account could get swiped by your bank, and there would be absolutely nothing you could do about it.
Oh but don't worry, the banks are happy to trade your real, tangible dollars for stock shares in their failing bank. Sounds like a fair trade right?
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Protect Your Accounts From Bank Seizures
While the banks technically call this a "bail in", I call it what it is. Robbery.
Believe it or not, this very thing has actually happened, and it happened as recently as 2012 in the country of Cyprus. It was so bad that some Cyprus citizens had almost 50% of their savings taken from them, literally overnight.
And it gets worse. Much worse. Guess what type of accounts got hit the hardest? Retirement accounts like pensions, IRAs & 401(k)s.
Over all, more than 4 BILLION EUROS were nabbed from the hard working citizens of Cyprus, which accounts for more than 20% of the entire countries (GDP) Gross Domestic Product.
To put that into perspective, that would equate to more than 3.8 TRILLION DOLLARS being robbed from American citizens if that same scenario occurred in the U.S.
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Protect Your Accounts From Bank Seizures
Believe it or not, the U.S. and Cyprus aren't alone, more than 27 other countries have created identical laws on their home soil. And I'm not talking about little tiny countries you've never heard of. I'm talking about some of the biggest countries in the world like the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the list goes on.
Thankfully, there are ways to protect your hard earned dollars...
Request A FREE IRA Protection Guide to protect your accounts from bank seizures before it's too late!
According to numerous financial experts, the next financial crisis/stock market crash could be less than 12 months away, and the worst we've seen in 50 years. You owe it to yourself, but more importantly, you owe it to your family to protect your accounts from bank seizure before it's too late.
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