Warning: NY Fed To Drop Market-Moving Documents

I've spent the weekend reviewing the week ahead, and there's some big stuff coming down the pipeline.

Keep Your Eye On These 7 Stocks

There's some big stuff coming down the pipeline this week. I'm bringing it all to the table so we can figure out how to maneuver through the next few days.

First up is the release of the New York F.E.D.'s latest reports on Tuesday and Thursday-- a deep dive into the health of our current economy. It's a safe bet that these documents will move the market. (Now, whether that's good or bad, only time will tell...)

I'll also reveal the top seven opportunities of the week. I see some big upward swings in the future for a couple of these bad boys. I'm not gonna miss this opportunity -- and I don't want you to either.

Click below and join me for our Weekly Planning Session.

Automatic Deposits Every 7 Days

One more thing… I want to fill you in on a little secret I think you'll be excited about.

This Wednesday at 1 p.m. ET, my friend James West is going public to share a Wall Street secret that could lead us to weekly deposits of $1,980, $3,750, or $4,946 in just two clicks.

James is a guy with connections. His contact list is a who's who of the country's top CEOs and investment bankers. And he's joining us to share a little-known strategy these Wall Street VIPs use to make the big bucks.

Best of all, the strategy couldn't be simpler.

This is our chance to use some of Wall Street's own strategies against them -- it's our turn to see some of the big profits for a change.

I plan on being in the audience, and I want you there, too.

Hope to see you there!

Roger Scott
Early Bird Trades


There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading.

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Early Bird Trades 495 Town Plaza Ponte Vedra, Florida 32081 United States (904) 404-8870

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