Holiday Road: Vacationers Bringing Home Unwanted Souvenirs

After months of being cooped up in their houses, Americans have been clamoring for a chance to get the heck out of Dodge for a while.

Opportunity is Knocking...

Will You Answer?


Resource stocks are the most overlooked millionaire-minter in history.

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Holiday Road: Vacationers Bringing Home Unwanted Souvenirs


After months of being cooped up in their houses, Americans have been clamoring for a chance to pack up everyone in the old Wagon Queen Family Truckster and get the heck out of Dodge for a while.

In more normal times, that would mean a trip to Las Vegas to play some blackjack, making the rounds in Europe, or if the kids have their way, a glorious getaway to Walley World.

Unfortunately this year, all bets might be off, our passports have expired…

And Walley World is closed… for real.

All the best,

Venture Society



Venture Society Holdings LLC 495 Town Plaza Ponte Vedra, Florida 32081 United States (904) 404-8873

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