Record Testing = Record Cases

Gilder's Daily Prophecy

July 23, 2020


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Record Testing = Record Cases

George GilderDear Daily Prophecy Reader,

Back in May of this year I wrote a Daily Prophecy detailing how Dr. Anthony Fauci was warning the Senate of the possibility of “suffering and death” if the US ended its lockdowns too soon.

In that same update, I also shared how William Briggs — statistician and philosopher supreme — was tabulating the global data on the effects of lockdowns.

Since then, William has offered another update on the coronavirus panic.

Below you’ll find an excerpt from his website.

So far, since the start of the insanity, there have been 35,512,916 tests. Call it 36 million.

This plot is the number of daily tests. On July 5, for instance, there were 654,489 new tests. I repeat, this plot is the number of new daily tests by day. 650 thousand reported tests per day!

If your jaw is not dropping, you have not understood this plot. It is not total tests. Testing is increasing everywhere, day by day. Testing is going nuts. Testing is out of control. Testing is rampant. Testing is at insane levels and only growing.

Why is this important? I’ll tell you: because we hear from every propaganda source that we are seeing a “surge” and “spike” and “record” new “cases.”


It would be a shock if we didn’t see a surge in new “cases” with all this testing!

Pardon my screaming, but we have gone, as the phrase has it, stark raving mad. I am beside myself with frustration trying to explain this to people who are so panicked they can’t listen to reason.

Keep scrolling to read my original Daily Prophecy from May...

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Sacrificing the Economy to Prevent the Worst Case

While Dr. Anthony Fauci was warning the Senate of the possibility of “suffering and death” if the US ended its lockdowns too soon, William Briggs, statistician and philosopher supreme, was tabulating the global data on the effects of lockdowns.

Fauci has already explained his position in a New Yorker interview. He wants to prevent the “worst case.” Denying that economics is within his purview, he is effectively willing to sacrifice the economy to prevent the worst case.

This is a familiar position of specialists, satirized by Tom Lehrer’s missile expert: “Once the rockets are up, where they come down is not my department says Werner von Braun.”

Fauci is upholding what is called the “cautionary principle.” To prevent an ultimate disaster, any expenditures are justified. Espoused by the environmental movement with regard to climate change, the cautionary principle is incoherent amid myriad possible disasters.

Still fervently supported by Democratic advocates of the lockdown, the so–called Green New Deal would close down the US energy economy in the name of a putative peril of climate. Dr. Fauci would close it down for COVID–19 and any other possible plague.

Jared Diamond regards overpopulation as the ultimate threat and would halt population growth and thus imperial economic expansion and support for the aged. Many specialists would devote vast expenditures to fend off possible meteors hitting the earth or Electromagnetic Pulse Attacks on the power grid.

Addressing all possibly extreme threats at once would cripple the economy that is the source of the wealth necessary to remedy any actual threat that occurs. Dictating a repeated dictatorial response to speculative perils, the cautionary principle is a death sentence for the capitalism and freedom that has made it possible for the planet to support a global population of eight billion people. Today, lockdowns threaten starvation for an estimated 260 million people in the third world and untold dangers in the west.

Fauci’s “Suffering and death” may be the human condition, but according the Briggs’ global research, lockdowns are no remedy. You can read the full rundown here.


George Gilder

George Gilder
Editor, Gilder's Daily Prophecy


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