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FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 07:39 AM
The scope for a USD correction stronger remains rooted in the continued spread of COVID globally relative to the US. EUR/USD, which plunged on Wednesd...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 07:30 AM
Sweden Unemployment Rate below expectations (9.8%) in July: Actual (8.9%)...
Pablo Piovano | Aug 20, 2020 07:30 AM
USD/JPY has likely moved into a consolidative phase and is seen trading between 105.00 and 107.00 in the next weeks, noted FX Strategists at UOB Group...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 07:22 AM
The Democratic National Convention continues this week. Investors are worried that a Democratic win would pressure the stock market by enabling substa...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 07:13 AM
Natural gas prices have experienced a tremendous rally over a relatively short time span. Looking at the continuous contact for Henry Hub Natural Gas,...
Pablo Piovano | Aug 20, 2020 07:12 AM
Open interest in Natural Gas futures markets shrunk by around 5.2K contracts on Wednesday according to advanced readings from CME Group. In the same l...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 06:59 AM
Asset prices are going to be subject to opposing effects. A negative effect: the fall in potential growth and earnings. A positive effect: higher valu...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 06:51 AM
Falling inflation means the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) needs to take vigorous action. The RBNZ's next tool will be a negative OCR combined wit...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 06:36 AM
FOMC members at July 28-29 meeting voice concern on the depth of virus economic fallout. Members are skeptical about yield curve control, the setting ...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 06:30 AM
Switzerland Industrial Production (YoY): -8.6% (2Q) vs previous 0.8%...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 06:28 AM
Gold (XAU/USD) lost over 3.50% on Wednesday to settle at $1930. So far this Thursday's trading, gold rises from multi-day lows of $1924.83 to $1950, u...
Pablo Piovano | Aug 20, 2020 06:14 AM
Further upside in NZD/USD is not ruled out, although a convincing move above 0.6660 remains unlikely in the short-term horizon, suggested FX Strategis...
Pablo Piovano | Aug 20, 2020 06:09 AM
CME Group's flash data for Crude Oil futures markets noted open interest and volume extended the downtrend for yet another session on Wednesday, shrin...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 06:02 AM
Germany Producer Price Index (MoM) came in at 0.2%, above forecasts (0.1%) in July...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 06:02 AM
Switzerland Exports (MoM): 19457M (July) vs 18255M...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 06:01 AM
Germany Producer Price Index (YoY) came in at -1.7%, above forecasts (-1.8%) in July...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 06:01 AM
Switzerland Imports (MoM): 16078M (July) vs 15039M...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 06:00 AM
Switzerland Trade Balance rose from previous 3216M to 3379M in July...
Pablo Piovano | Aug 20, 2020 05:43 AM
Cable is expected to remain side-lined for the time being, likely between 1.30 and 1.3230, in opinion of FX Strategists at UOB Group. Key Quotes 24-ho...
Pablo Piovano | Aug 20, 2020 05:38 AM
Traders scaled back their open interest positions in Gold futures markets by almost 4K contracts on Wednesday, according to preliminary figures from C...
Pablo Piovano | Aug 20, 2020 05:15 AM
FX Strategists at UOB Group hinted at the idea that EUR/USD could be entering into a consolidative phase. Key Quotes 24-hour view: "Our expectation fo...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 04:30 AM
Netherlands, The Consumer Confidence Adj: -29 (August) vs previous -26...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 04:30 AM
Netherlands, The Unemployment Rate s.a (3M): 4.5% (July) vs 4.3%...
FXStreet Team | Aug 20, 2020 01:35 AM
China PBoC Interest Rate Decision remains unchanged at 3.85%...
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