Your $5,000 bonus report


Dear Reader,

Thank you for registering for my upcoming event, Carson Tries to Double His Money.

On Wednesday, August 26th, you’re invited to watch me and my teenage son at our kitchen table, as he attempts to double his money using the same trading technique I’ve used to generate  millions of dollars in my 36-year career.

But that’s just the beginning…

During the event, I’ll be giving away a FREE trading recommendation, which I urge you to place immediately after the event. You’ll have only a few hours to get in… before the price potentially moves out of range.

So, to get you ready…

Today, I’m sharing a new research report I just wrote.

It details exactly how I’ve been using 2020’s volatile market to log some of the biggest and fastest gains of my career. Take a look…

  • 273% gains in 8 days on Gold Miners Fund (GDX)
  • 127% gain in 8 days on Financial Select Sector Fund (XLF)
  • 91% gain in 3 days on Semiconductor Fund (SMH)
  • 144% gain in 19 days on Technology Fund (XLK)
  • 99% gain in 10 days on Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ)
  • 105% gain in 7 days on U.S. Natural Gas Fund (UNG)
  • 111% gain in 19 days on Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ)

In the meantime, mark August 26th on your calendar... because I can guarantee you've NEVER seen anything like this before...

Get ready for August 26th

You see, throughout our industry, I’m known as a trader who spent more than two decades generating millions of dollars for high-net-worth investors. Along the way, I managed accounts worth up to $30 million apiece.

But here’s the thing…

When I tell people how easy it is to apply my technique in their own brokerage accounts… to achieve the same kind of 100%+ gains I showed my former clients… they often don’t believe me.

Many folks think only a “professional” can make extraordinary money in the trading world… And that’s simply not true.

That’s why, because my family and I are quarantined, on August 26th I’m going to do something that I hope will change the way you think about trading… and could help you make a lot more money. 

In my experience, $1,000s a week… no matter where stocks go next this year, and no matter how long the pandemic continues.

In short, I’m going to conduct a real-money demonstration of the trading technique that helped me retire at age 42… on my own FLESH AND BLOOD.

My teenage son Carson – who has no financial experience whatsoever – will attempt to DOUBLE HIS MONEY at our kitchen table.

And you’re invited to watch the whole thing.

You see – about once a year, I hold an event like this… where I discuss how you could double your money 10 times in a single year with my technique… without touching stocks, bonds, or any conventional investments.

But frankly, it’s always a little frustrating.

Don’t get me wrong…

I enjoy showing other people the technique I’ve developed – like the 127% gain you could have made in just 8 days recently on a play I found in XLF. And I love the notes…

Like Tim D. who said: “I’ve doubled my money 10 times.”*

But frankly, I’m a pretty quiet guy…

So I hate having to “convince” people just how easy it is to apply my technique for a chance at incredible gains, no matter what your experience.

That’s why, on Wednesday, August 26th, I want to prove it… with real money.

At 8 pm ET, join me and my son Carson at our home in California, and see for yourself whether the secret I’ve developed could make you rich or not. Along the way, you’ll even receive a FREE recommendation with 100% upside potential.

Beginning with a free report you can read right now.

For the first time ever

You see, for 20 years, I handled more than $200 million in Silicon Valley for a list of 100 of the wealthiest CEOs… by doing something a lot of people are scared of.

VERY FAST TRADING… without ever touching stocks.

But I did it with a technique that’s been so accurate, it’s drawn quite a bit of attention… from some surprising people.

For example, nine different banks on and off Wall Street have asked me to explain how it works, along with a Vice President at Chevron and a $125 million pension plan (which I ended up managing.)

It’s a way of looking for tiny stock moves to potentially double, triple, or in some cases, even make 5 to 10 times your money, whether the stock market is booming, crashing, or doing nothing.

I’ve convinced quite a few people to try it… like Greg R., who told me: “We’ve made over $100,000 in two months.”*


I’m really not comfortable with all the hype.

So on August 26th… instead of me creating an “advertisement” to show you just how much money you could make trading with my technique, I want to demonstrate it on my own son, Carson.

He’s 18 years old – and knows NOTHING about trading. Until this year, he’d never even bought a stock before.

But then the Crash of 2020 came along…

While most people panicked, Carson saw how happy I was.

You see, for traders… a panic is like Christmas.

In fact, I warned of a bear market 10 months before the 2008 crisis… which turned out to be the most successful year of my 36-year career. You could have doubled your money 10 different times in 2008 by using my trading technique.

This time around, I warned about a market crash – twice – just before the coronavirus wiped out stocks back in March. And sure enough, you could have already doubled your money 6 different times in 2020 by applying my technique.

Today, I’m predicting the panic will continue… which is great news if you watch our free event on August 26th.

  • It’s how I once made 10 times my money just before Black Monday 1987…
  • And how you could have made 14 times your money in 2 months by using my technique during the dot-com meltdown in 2000.

On August 26th, I’ll walk Carson – and you – through my full technique. He’ll put about $1,000 into a single trade and try to double his money.

And with my publisher’s permission, I’m going to document the entire process along the way, free of charge, so you can see how this works for yourself…

Remember, I’ll walk you through the full technique on Wednesday, August 26th.

But to get the most out of our event, I urge you to download my new report and read it carefully, before you tune in on August 26th. Inside, I detail how today’s “rollercoaster” market is like Christmas for traders. 

Normally, we could charge $5,000 to access this content.

But because you registered for my upcoming event on August 26th, you can get your copy free of charge right now.

Click here to download the report.

See you on August 26th!

Jeff Clark
Host, Carson Tries to Double His Money

P.S. To prepare you for my free trading recommendation, I’ll be sending you 3 training videos in the coming days. So keep an eye on your inbox.

And don’t forget to claim your free VIP spot.

*Standard Disclaimer: The investment results described in these testimonials are not typical; investing in securities carries a high degree of risk; you may lose some or all of the investment.

© Omnia Research.
55 NE 5th Avenue
Delray Beach FL 33483
All Rights Reserved.

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