By Bill Bonner Monday, October 26, 2020 – Week 33 of the Quarantine SAN MARTIN, ARGENTINA – Last week, we looked at the likely election result. We’ll get back to that in a minute. But first, two stark and disturbing actualities: First, the coronavirus is not going away. Second, neither is the recession. Delaying the Inevitable As for the coronavirus, it can be delayed. But it can’t be defeated. Here’s Donald Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, over the weekend: …the U.S. is “not going to control” the pandemic… And in Europe, ABC News reports: Dr. Eric Caumes, head of the infectious and tropical diseases department at Paris’ Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, said the country needs to lock down again. “We have lost control of the epidemic, though it doesn’t date from yesterday,” he said on broadcaster Franceinfo. Here in Argentina, we live with some of the toughest restrictions in the world. And the result? About the same as the U.S. – more than 600 deaths per 1,000,000 people. We don’t usually give advice to public authorities. But were we in charge, we would level with people: The government will not protect them from the coronavirus. If they are old or fat, they should take their own precautions. Others should go about their business, and not allow the virus to ruin their lives. In other words, most people should defeat the coronavirus the same way they defeated the Hong Kong Flu – by getting it… and getting over it. Then, the old folks could go about their lives, too. Recommended Link | November Surprise: What "Second Wave" Means for Stocks If national polls can be believed, Joe Biden will become the next U.S. President. Will Biden be bad for stocks? While controversial, the firm that called the EXACT PEAK of the Dot Com boom just issued another major prediction… One that will accelerate should Biden win come November. If you’ve got money invested in the market—and especially in popular tech stocks—this is CRITICAL information you need to see ahead of the coming election. | | -- | Depression Ahead Meanwhile, the lockdown recession is probably becoming a depression. Here’s CNBC: Long-term unemployment is on the rise In September, long-term unemployment, or those that have been out of work for 27 weeks or more, jumped to 2.4 million, the highest thus far in the coronavirus pandemic-induced recession, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Nearly 800,000 out of work Americans moved into the long-term unemployed category from August to September, the largest month-over-month increase ever, according to Michele Evermore, senior policy analyst at the National Employment Law Project. And now that we have the lights turned on, let’s look at the election. Do You Know About "Tech Royalty" Investing? Alternative Outcome Sleepy Joe Biden is likely to win. Alas, with COVID-19 still on the loose… and the economy sliding towards depression… the old guy will wake up and begin a frenzy of boneheaded activism. He’ll push for more government spending, financed with more “printing press money”… which would speed America’s descent into a social, political, and economic disaster. The good news is that there could be an alternative outcome. Nothing succeeds like failure. If Biden wins, the long faces in the GOP will shuffle about, depressed… forlorn… taking off their MAGA caps… taking down the Trump and Pence signs… …and rueing the day they ever let their party be hijacked by a reality TV star, who spent most of his adult life as a Democrat. Maybe then, they might pull a book off the shelf and dust it off… Maybe Friedrich Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom. Or perhaps Ron Paul’s The Revolution. (We modestly recommend our own Win-Win or Lose, which offers a simple and novel explanation for “conservativism.”) Heck, they could even read the U.S. Constitution… although, it is shockingly radical. And who knows, they might rediscover the virtues of their political creed. Then, they might get to work… They might even be able to stymie the Democrats’ big-spending plans... and delay America’s rendezvous with disaster. Recommended Link | "If I had to bet my life on one tech investment, this would be it…" Silicon Valley insider Jeff Brown has spent weeks on the road in the U.S. heartland investigating the current state of 5G across rural America. And he discovered the 5G opportunity is 5X bigger than he previously projected. He calls this "the No. 1 tech investment of this decade." Experts say 5G is set to soar 30,000%. And Jeff predicts it has the potential to spawn the next crop of trillion-dollar tech companies. Fast-acting investors could, at a minimum, double your money five times in the next 12 months. Even if you're starting with less than $1,000, Jeff believes this could put you on the path to millionaire status. | | -- | Determined Opposition Readers will recall that America’s best administrations have had weak presidents and strong opposition. When George Bush, senior left office, and Bill Clinton took over in 1992, the “national” debt measured 66% of GDP. Eight years later, it had been reduced to only 57%. By our reckoning, this was the peak of U.S. power, influence, and wealth. From this perspective, we can look back on the Clinton years with nostalgia. But was this because the Democrat Clinton was more prudent, more sensible… more conservative? Of course not. It was because he faced a fiery, determined opposition – the conservatives in the GOP – which, either as a matter of principle or convenience, fought tooth and nail to stop him from spending money. The One Big Threat You Face on November 3rd. Big Spenders Then, when their own party got into power, the Republicans forgot all about conservatism and became big-spenders… ready to improve the world and bankrupt the nation. In 2001, came Bush fils and Dick “deficits don’t matter” Cheney to the White House. They added more than 20 percentage points to the debt-to-GDP ratio… leaving it at nearly 80%. Bush was succeeded by the Democrat, Obama, who did even more damage. From 80%, the national debt-to-GDP ratio rose to 107% by 2016. The conservatives who were left fought him. But too many had partaken of the forbidden fruit. In the crisis of 2008-2009, their knees buckled and they almost all crawled along with the “stimulus” claptrap. In 2016, power went back to the Republicans. By this time, the conservatives had become extinct. And Trump added another $8 trillion in four years, bringing the ratio (as of the second quarter of 2020) to 146%. Over the last two decades, U.S. GDP doubled – from $10 trillion to $20 trillion. But federal debt rose from $6 trillion to nearly $29 trillion – more than three times as much – thanks to the combined efforts of Republicans and Democrats. Recommended Link | What’s the $35 billion secret hidden in this desert? This is one of the loneliest places on Earth… As you can see, there’s no one in sight. The nearest village is at least an hour away. But all that is about to change… Maybe as soon as tomorrow morning, representatives from dozens of America’s top tech companies could swarm this place. What’s underneath the ground is worth a potential $35 billion – right now. Because of a supply crunch, it could be worth 5x more in a couple of years. And one small cap company holds the rights to this massive bounty. | | -- | New Season And now, we come to another change in power. The voters will elect a new cast of characters. But the show will go on… the long-running spectacle… the 21st season of the great epic: The Decline and Fall of the American Empire… …starring GWB, Obama, Trump… Cheney, Mnuchin, Greenspan, Yellen, Powell… and now, Biden, Harris… and who knows who else? And this will be a major triumph for democracy. It will succeed in replacing a big-mouthed oaf with a worn-out hack… …while remaining on course for absolute catastrophe. Regards, Bill Like what you’re reading? Send your thoughts to FEATURED READS Central Banks Jump on Digital Currency Train The International Monetary Fund hosted a panel last week in which central banks gave their take on the implementation of digital currencies. Hear from world leaders on the direction they think global money, specifically digital money, is headed... A Unique Investment Pair Bill and Dan are always on the lookout for ways to help you preserve your wealth, from gold and collectibles, to real estate and other hard assets. One emerging investment idea lies at the intersection of metals and technology. Here, colleague Dave Forest, a geologist and metals expert, explores one metal that could help fuel the next tech breakthrough... MAILBAG A dear reader believes Joe Biden is a political puppet, after reading Bill’s missive, “Mother Nature Has Found Her Man – Joe Biden”... The only way the Left could get Harris in was to ride the tailcoat of Biden. After he is in, they can easily declare their wonderful president unable to continue in office due to Alzheimer’s Disease. Their agenda is socialism, simple as that. Then, with control of the House, the road is clear. – Jim D. While one dear reader thinks the baby boomer generation is complicit in the fall of the American Empire… It’s easy to judge each of these idiots. But sadly, not one single person in the USA was capable – or even willing – to take on the geriatric elite. Most of Bill’s readers are boomers who are only focused on their fixation with wealth, power, and self indulgence. Sadly, they are as complicit and guilty of precipitating the fall of the American Empire. Shame on you, Bill, and your entire generation, for yelling from the sidelines but never risking to enter the arena to do battle! – Ralph M. Another believes Bill is out of touch... Mr. Bonner, with all due respect, your absence from the USA for 20 years has possibly blunted your sense of reality here in the “Motherland.” If, for a moment, you believe that the extreme Left, Antifa, young, socialist, George Soros-backers, and Black Lives Matter constituents will be “at peace” with a Biden win, you, Sir, may well be in the same mental state as Joe Biden. A Biden victory is only their first step to worse things to come. You are so far removed from what is going on in America with these extremists, that you cannot possibly comment on the subject objectively. If you truly want to do your readers a favor, move back to America (and yes, you have enough money to buy your way back) and experience the current environment in person. Then, you will be able to comment (and recommend), based on personal experience. – Sam A. And finally, others give their take on the U.S. presidential race... Trump wants to be a dictator and is well on his way. Biden has no such ambition. He will not ask his cabinet or staff to be loyal to him. He’ll ask them to be loyal to the USA. Our democratic republic is in peril with the Trump-McConnell Trumpublican Party. The party that any thinking person sees lacks any integrity. There was no action taken on Obama’s nomination for the Supreme Court with many months left in his term. Now, Republicans are rushing Judge Barrett’s confirmation. Only Trumpublicans will vote for Trump. Democrats and Republicans will vote for Biden. I’m among them. – Leo G. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris represent all that is bad in American politics and will surely ruin this country if they come to power. Like socialism, higher and higher taxes, stupid plans like Green New Deal, and more of that stupidity are to come. A Biden administration will bring that – and more. – Paul I. Is Joe Biden a pawn in the Democrats’ fight for political power? Has the Republican Party been overrun by Donald Trump loyalists? Write us at IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Bill Bonner: Shadow-Banned? Have America’s top booksellers refused to carry Bill Bonner’s final book? You won’t find new copies of Win-Win or Lose at Barnes & Noble… and not a single copy is floating around on eBay. In fact, the only used copy we could find was going for $79 on Amazon. Which is why Bill recently authorized us to take drastic steps to put a hard-copy in your hands essentially free – as part of this limited-time offer. To claim yours, click here. 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