AMD and Intel Are Going Head to Head

The Bleeding Edge
  • AMD is gunning for Intel…
  • This discovery is great news for our future lunar base…
  • This early stage company is working on next-gen cancer treatments…

Dear Reader,

My last major diagnostic test at Health Nucleus in La Jolla, CA, was a bone densitometry scan. This is also known as a DEXA, which stands for dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. DEXA is definitely easier to say.

The DEXA is by far the most comfortable diagnostic test that I have ever experienced. As you can see from the image below, it looks just like a bed with a scanner that runs over you head to toe.

The DEXA is able to collect a full “picture” of our body’s bone, fat, tissue, and muscle mass. It is a fairly simple and effective tool for diagnosing osteoporosis and our risk for osteoporotic fractures.

Obviously, if our bone mineral density is too low, the team at Health Nucleus can put a plan in place to improve bone strength and avoid an unwanted outcome.

When we combine the output of the DEXA with full-body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we really get a clear picture of our muscle mass, bone strength, subcutaneous and visceral fat. And we might even discover something like a fracture that we didn’t know existed.

And this brings me to the key point – proactively finding problems with our own health that we never knew about.

Consider this: 25% of us who live to 55 will not make it to 75 years of age. I don’t know about you, but those aren’t odds that I’m comfortable with. 

And just to be clear, I’m not talking about a death from a car accident or our parachute not opening up.

These are deaths from cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurological diseases, respiratory diseases, diabetes, and many other things. But if we know about these factors and our risk, we actually have the ability to create completely different outcomes. That’s why the program is called 100+.

Now, if the statistic above didn’t catch your attention, I have even more to share with you that will.

The teams at Human Longevity and the Health Nucleus published some unbelievable research earlier this year. The work is titled “Precision medicine integrating whole-genome sequencing, comprehensive metabolomics, and advanced imaging.” Those interested in the details can find the paper here.

This research was years in the making. It analyzed the results from 1,190 adults who went through the same testing that I did… and here is what they found:

  • 17% had a rare genetic mutation that affects their health

  • 7% discovered that they had moderate-to-severe cardiovascular risk

  • 29% had elevated liver fat, which was mostly non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

  • 2.5% discovered that they had body or brain aneurysms

  • And 1.7% discovered that they had cancer

And at a higher level:

  • 14.4% discovered major health issues that were actionable – let’s think about that. Out of 1,000 people, 144 found a major health problem they didn’t know about

  • And 40%, or 400 out of every 1,000, discovered things that required medical attention or regular monitoring but weren’t yet life threatening

To me, these numbers are remarkable. And they perfectly explain why one out of every four adults who reach 55 never make it to 75. We simply don’t know what’s wrong. And if we don’t know, we can’t take positive actions to heal ourselves.

And this is precisely what is broken with the world’s current, conventional methodology for practicing medicine. Ironically, treating symptoms as we do today (“sick care”) is far more expensive and costs many more lives than the kind of bleeding-edge approach taken by the Health Nucleus.

Tomorrow, we’re going to wrap up the week and my visit to La Jolla, and I’m going to share with you something that I never expected.

And as I’ve been sharing this week, my experience with Health Nucleus has convinced me more than ever in the potential of precision medicine and biotechnology.

And outside of the benefits to our own health, we shouldn’t ignore this opportunity as investors. If any readers haven’t yet, you can go right here to learn about my No. 1 large-cap precision medicine company to own today.

Now let’s turn to today’s insights…

AMD’s latest move is another shot at Intel…

Graphics processor unit (GPU) powerhouse Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) just announced a deal to acquire leading-edge semiconductor firm Xilinx (XLNX) for $35 billion.

Xilinx is best known as the company that produced the world’s first field-programmable gate array (FPGA) chips. These chips, which can be reprogrammed “out in the field” after being manufactured, are used in just about any kind of electronic device you can think of.

Xilinx makes FPGAs for use in 4G and 5G base stations and smartphones, advanced driver assistance systems in vehicles, missiles, satellites, data centers, and so on.

And as subscribers to The Near Future Report know, this has been one of my favorite companies in the space. We first booked a 21% gain on XLNX in October of last year.

Then we got back into the stock this past July… and now we are set to book another 20%-plus gain in less than four months. We’ve double-dipped, and I have to say that I’m sad to see Xilnix get snapped up. It was just gearing up for what was going to be an epic run.

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And for AMD, this acquisition is all about increasing its competitive advantages over Intel.

Intel acquired the other major producer of FPGAs, Altera, back in 2015. That deal was for $17 billion.

At the time, Altera’s annual revenue was about $1.73 billion. That put the acquisition’s enterprise value (EV)/sales multiple at 9.83. This tells us that Intel paid 9.83 times annual sales for the company.

AMD is acquiring Xilinx at an EV/sales multiple of 11.77. It is paying nearly 12 times sales for the company. I wasn’t surprised to see AMD pay a higher multiple, as Xilinx was the only remaining company in its space after the Altera acquisition.

But FPGAs weren’t the only motivation for AMD.

In addition to FPGAs, Xilinx has become a strong player in the data center market. The company developed technology that’s great at optimizing data center performance. This is another reason why AMD is willing to pay such a high price for Xilinx.

And the data center market is the one area of Intel’s business that’s been strong over the last decade. It's the only area of Intel’s business that has been “working.” But this acquisition changes things. AMD’s acquisition is tantamount to throwing down the gauntlet for a head-on fight with Intel.

AMD is looking to wrestle data center market share away from Intel with this move, and AMD is going to come out on top.

To me, it’s obvious that AMD sees Intel for what it is – a vulnerable competitor that has lost its edge and its ability to innovate ahead of the market. This is AMD’s moment to strike.

So I love this move by AMD. It’s bold and opportunistic. And it will make AMD an even stronger player in the space. That bodes well for its share price.

And this is also a great exit for Xilinx as a company. AMD will be a good steward of its assets. This is a win-win scenario.

New research reveals an abundance of “cold traps” on the Moon…

We’re going back to the Moon today. And this time we’ll be exploring its “cold traps.”

Two separate research papers were just published showing that “cold traps” are widespread across the lunar surface. What are cold traps?

Shaded areas on the moon that are pockets for water-based ice.

It turns out that there are billions of pockets of ice across the lunar surface. These pockets are anywhere from 1 cm to 1 km in diameter, and they are right on the surface. We aren’t talking about deep underground lakes here.

And that means water is far more abundant on the Moon than we ever thought possible. In fact, the research estimates that these cold traps occupy 40,000 km2 on the Moon’s surface.

What’s interesting is that these two research teams came to this same discovery from different angles.

The first research team analyzed infrared images from NASA’s SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) telescope. We talked about SOFIA way back in January.

Infrared Images of the Moon

Source: Futurism

The second research team analyzed data collected from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. This is a spacecraft that’s been orbiting the Moon and sending back images.

The fact that two separate data sets led to the same conclusion is convincing. And this has immense implications for our space exploration ambitions.

On Monday, we talked about NASA’s plans to establish a wireless network on the Moon by 2022. This is getting ready for the next manned mission to the lunar surface in 2024.

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Of course, the ultimate goal is a permanent lunar base. But one of the biggest challenges is getting enough water, oxygen, and hydrogen on the lunar surface to support life and also be used for propellant in rocket fuel.

And this new discovery goes a long way toward solving that problem.

Now we know water is abundant and readily accessible on the Moon’s surface. The only thing left to do is figure out how to mine it and process it effectively.

Given that Elon Musk was able to launch a Tesla Roadster into space, I don’t think we’ll have any problem developing and launching a water-mining machine specifically designed for this task. Maybe we’ll call it something like an “H2Oxcavator”? I suspect Musk will come up with something cleverer than that.

So this will be fun to watch. There’s no question that a permanent lunar base is in our relatively near future. And that will serve as a great jumping-off point for more wide-ranging space exploration missions.

What an amazing time to be alive.

This early stage company is bringing next-generation precision medicine to cancer treatment…

Since we’ve been exploring precision and predictive medicine this week, I thought this development was a great fit.

Scorpion Therapeutics, a Boston-based biotech company that formed this year, just raised $108 million in a Series A venture capital (VC) round. This is a massive round for a company that was just founded this year amidst the global pandemic.

Scorpion’s focus is on what it is calling Precision Oncology 2.0. We can think of this as next-generation precision medicine for cancer treatment.

And I love Scorpion’s premise.

The medical community has sequenced and “decoded” more than 10,000 cancer genomes over the years. This gives us incredible insight into the genetic mutations that drive each of these cancers. But we really haven’t put much of that data to use.

Scorpion Therapeutics is going to change that.

The company’s plan is to mine this data to develop highly targeted cancer therapies. And Scorpion will use the most advanced genetics and machine learning technology on the market to develop its cancer therapies.

This is an exciting development.

We are just now starting to see biotechnology companies utilizing genetic sequencing and machine learning technology to optimize drug development.

This bleeding-edge technology will inform better drug targets, and it will speed up development tremendously because it will eliminate much of the trial-and-error process.

As a result, we are going to see waves of breakthrough therapies hit the market over the next decade.

I have said before that we are on the cusp of curing all human disease of genetic origin. Scorpion’s work will bring us one step closer to that outcome.

We all need to do a great job taking care of our health for the next decade or so. If we do, we’ll have access to many more cures and therapeutic approaches that simply aren’t available today.

For those of us who care deeply about human longevity and getting the most out of life, this should be an incredible motivation for us all.

So let’s add Scorpion Therapeutics to our early stage watchlist. This company has strong VC backing and some heavy hitters in management and on its board.

This is definitely a company to watch.


Jeff Brown
Editor, The Bleeding Edge

P.S. A week ago, over 25,000 people showed up to my “Beyond Exponential” summit. Traveling across the American heartland, I saw evidence that we are at the very beginning of the next major exponential growth story in a key area of technology: 5G.

All across the Midwest, I was able to experience 5G technology for myself. I hope the footage from my travels that we aired made the potential of this story clear.

And as I demonstrated last week, I believe that savvy tech investors who are aware of this story can build a million-dollar tech portfolio from scratch with just a handful of stocks. We are in for an exciting ride these next few years.

For anyone interested but unable to attend this summit, the replay will be available to readers of The Bleeding Edge for only a couple more days. You can find it right here. Please make sure you don’t miss out.

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