The Top Prophecy of the Week

Gilder's Daily Prophecy

October 24, 2020


Please Pay Close Attention…

Reader, I don’t want you to miss out on the new market phenomenon known as “Lunchtime Trades.”

So please take a couple of minutes of your time to watch this brief message today.

It comes offline this Sunday, October 25th, at midnight.

Click here now to see it for yourself.

Editor’s Note: The New Site is Live!

Our new website for Gilder’s Daily Prophecy is now live. You can check it out now by going to Just remember that our emails will now be coming from a different domain as well. So if you haven’t done so yet, please whitelist our new address by following the instructions here. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at

Life After Capitalism is Underway

George GilderDear Daily Prophecy Reader,

The greatest trick of the enlightenment has not been ‘humanism’ per se, or even freedom of speech, but the deliberate dispersal of power into units small enough that they might compete and hold each other accountable, while preventing any cabal of cheaters to gain obligate power. It is what works in our five great competitive creative arenas — markets, democracy, science, justice courts, and sports — which thrive exactly to the degree that power splitting happens, and all five languish in sickness when power coalesces.” — as said by science fiction futurist David Brin in John Schroeter's After Shock.

This dispersal of power and suppression of “cheaters” is near the heart of the economic system called “capitalism.” It is epitomized by independent and creative human minds of entrepreneurs and inventors. Without the dispersal of power, ideally as widely as the dispersal of human minds, economies “languish in sickness.”

By a strange irony, however, chiefly naming and describing capitalism have been its enemies — led by Karl Marx in Das Capital (1852) — who depict it as a scheme of greed, exploitation, and environmental despoliation.

The prevalent response is regulation by cabals of politicians with “obligate power:” the power to control, order, and manipulate economies in the interests of their favored constituencies.

My next book, which I have been testing through hundreds of thousands of words of “prophecies,” will attempt to reverse this trend. It will be called Life After Capitalism.

I hope to finish it over the next few months, largely in the form of continued daily expositions of its themes here. I hope to show that the combination of information theory, and its close complement blockchain “cryptography,” can open the way to restore the deliberate dispersal of power.

Capitalism, in the old sense, of reasonably free enterprise in reasonably free markets, scarcely exists. Central Banks have nationalized real banks nearly everywhere and also manipulate money. Interest rates have become nearly meaningless. Currency trading at $6.7 trillion a day is the world’s largest industry and accomplishes little or nothing except the enrichment of traders. Technology is increasingly a tool of government, dominated by spurious pretexts for government power such as “climate change,” healthcare, “diversity,” or “fake news.”

It is time to launch a new economic theory that can address and explain these economic phenomena.

George Gilder Says Tech Investors Better Get Ready...

Big tech founder never saw this coming…

Emojis When Facebook's mega-billionaire sat down before Congress on October 23rd, 2019...

For over six hours of grueling testimony about his company’s plans for a digital currency called Libra

He surely never imagined that one of the panel’s top-ranking Republicans, would be giving him incredibly lucrative advice.

But he did — with a tip that could ultimately be worth a bundle to lots of regular American investors.

Don’t worry if you missed it.

Because you can get the same advice and more here, absolutely free to click to see.

You Won't Believe What George Gilder Sees Coming...

A New Economic Theory

I call it the “information theory of economics.” Based on the same information theory that underlies computers and networks, it calculates information as surprise or unexpected bits. Bits guaranteed or controlled by government bear no information and can generate no real economic growth.

Because human creativity is the only significant source of economic growth — and creativity always comes as a surprise to us — information theory is unique in its ability to gauge what matters in an economy. Interest rates, for example, are measures of average expected returns. Manipulated by government they become meaningless. Profits and losses can convey informative surprises.

Life After Capitalism will not be published for a year or so. However, I have a short book on artificial intelligence called Gaming AI: Why AI Can’t Think but Can Transform Jobs that is coming out now from Discovery Institute in Seattle. You can get it here.

Based on information theory, Gaming AI is in fact a preview of Life After Capitalism. In simplest terms, AI, like socialism, is based on determinist assumptions that bar creative surprisal and thus new information. Games are symbol systems and AI computer programs can simulate and manipulate symbol systems far more efficiently than unaided humans can. But symbol systems — languages, games, mathematical models — depend on human interpreters to be linked to real world phenomena.

For example, a map is a symbol system and computers can manipulate maps. But maps are not the same as territories. To link maps to territories ultimately takes human minds. Economies thrive to the extent that they enable human minds to create new things and this measure is information and entropy-surprisal.

I hope to surprise you in coming months.


George Gilder

George Gilder
Editor, Gilder's Daily Prophecy

P.S. Please draw your attention to this short video that was recorded outside of Washington, D.C. This message is so controversial we are going to be taking it offline forever tomorrow, October 25th, at midnight... So I wanted to give you the opportunity to see it while it is still around. Click here now to see what my colleague Graham Summers has to say and how it could positively affect your bank account in a big way.

Despite all the tricks and traps, Trump is still in poll position

American FlagSince July last year, one of the most sought-after financial analysts in the world has been predicting Trump will win next month…

He’s still 100% convinced he will.

Despite accusations of him being controlled by Russia, despite the fact they tried to impeach him, despite the fact they’re trying to pin the pandemic on him…

Trump is STILL on track to claim victory…

And when he does it could send some stocks shooting up.

Find out why and how you could take advantage by clicking here.

Three founders Publishing

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