This is exhausting

I don’t know about you, but I’m having a hard time keeping up with all the news that keeps pouring out this election season.

Emails! Pictures! ‘rona diagnoses! Lockdowns!

Everything is news in October before an election. And man, it is overwhelming.

Wall Street insiders spend all day long trying to figure out how to handle the news. Will it affect the markets? Will it drive uncertainty? Are traders getting scared?

It’s exhausting. 

But I’m not tired. You know why?

Because my favorite way to handle this overload is simple and straightforward: just trade once a week.

Yes, I trade every day of the week. But to handle the news and information coming at all of us at warp speed, I look to one high conviction trade for sanity - and potential profits.

And yes, this strategy works for me. Here’s one recent Bullseye Trade I made:

*Please See Results Disclaimer Below

Click here to learn the fundamentals behind this strategy - and why now is the best time to get started before the media drives you crazy.

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