Get out of paper money now--here’s how

Paul Tudor Jones made headlines recently by
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One of our close industry friends sent this to us, we thought you might find it interesting:

Dear Subscriber,

Billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones made headlines recently by making a huge bet AGAINST government currencies around the world.

In a follow up statement he said:

"We are witnessing the Great Monetary Inflation--an unprecedented expansion of every form of money unlike anything the developed world has ever seen."

Then hedge fund manager Dan Morehead recently published a letter to customers with a simple warning: “Get out of paper money.”

And now…

Porter Stansberry, the multimillionaire founder of our research firm, who started one of the most successful businesses in America from scratch, says:

“Today, every savvy wealthy person I know is desperately seeking a way out of our corrupt and bankrupt global financial system and the U.S. dollar.”

Stansberry explains how the wealthy are doing it, in a fascinating video that’s been watched by more than 3.5 million people, here.

Stansberry made his reputation by accurately predicting some of the biggest and most important financial stories of the past 20 years:

  • He recommended Amazon at $59 (today it’s over $3,300) and PayPal before it ultimately soared 800%.
  • He predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and many others, long before almost anyone else caught on.
  • He predicted the collapse of oil prices from over $100 to less than $50… and most recently, he called the bottom in the coronavirus market crash.

And today…

Stansberry says every American must learn how to get out of cash and paper money.

He says a completely misunderstood asset is transforming our world… our U.S. dollar money system… and is making people rich (Barron’s estimates at least 20,000 people).

He says this is now a critical asset every American must own, beginning immediately.

Get this: If you bought and held this asset over any 4-year period, since 2010… the smallest gains you would have potentially seen would have been a whopping 400%.
Even if you bought it on the worst day possible!

But Stansberry says that’s only the beginning of the story… it’s actually a much bigger deal than that.

According to Stansberry:

“What we’re ultimately looking at here will be the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind — bigger than any political revolution by a huge margin.”

That’s why Stansberry and his research team have put together a totally free, 16-page Special Report called: The Greatest (Legal) Transfer of Wealth in American History, which explains everything you need to know, including:
  • Why some people are making so much money right now, so quickly, while millions of others fall further behind.
  • What America’s new class of wealthy families and individuals almost all now have in common.
  • How this wealth shift has transformed movies, music, retail, travel, transportation, entertainment, and more
  • How a Nobel Prize-winning economist predicted what is now happening, back in 1999.
  • Why our financial system is in for such a dramatic shock… and much, much more.
  • How the most popular job in 29 U.S. states could soon disappear
  • The REAL reason the rich are getting so much richer, leaving everyone else behind
  • Case studies of how this shift has affected many of America’s businesses, such as AT&T, Hilton, Uber, IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, Airbnb, Google, Apple, Facebook, Budweiser, Starbucks, and more.
  • How this shift has upended U.S. real estate—and why America’s hottest current real estate market will surprise you.
  • What’s coming NEXT in the transfer of wealth trend, how it will affect you, and what you must do to prepare.

Don’t get left behind.

Everything you need to know is in Stansberry’s free Special Report: The Greatest (Legal) Transfer of Wealth in American History.

No credit card, subscription, or any type of payment required.

Click here to get your free copy of The Greatest (Legal) Transfer of Wealth in American History.

You’ll also begin receiving Stansberry’s free daily email, The Digest, where Stansberry and his team of researchers cover the most important news, trends and opportunities in the markets to help you make better investing decisions. You can unsubscribe at any time.


Michael Palmer
Managing Partner, Stansberry Research

P.S. Have you wondered why the stock market has soared while the economy has completely fallen apart and while unemployment numbers have skyrocketed? If so, Porter’s report explains it all and what’s coming next in America. Get your free copy of Stansberry’s latest report, by clicking here

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