[OVI Market Review] Choose Your 'Big Money' Game in One Click


Dear Trader

The US presidential election is almost concluded, with Joe Biden the likely winner.

This removes a tier of uncertainty with regard to the result, but not necessarily with regard to how he will attempt to govern. More importantly for traders, which sectors and stocks are poised to benefit the most from a Biden administration? Renewable energy stocks, cannabis stocks could be winners, while fossil fuel stocks could be losers.

As with anything though, let the setups dictate your actions, and now with the new VIP TradeFinder you now have the ideal combination of Focus with Flexibility.

With my new Fast Filter Buttons you can focus on particular setups with just one click. And together with the new enhanced TradeFinder you have the flexibility to make tweaks in a matter of seconds.

That's what I've done today, and the process was so easy and so quick.

The upshot of all this is that you can choose your "Big Money" Game and play it with extraordinary efficiency, literally taking just minutes to view the "Big Money Footprint" stocks that are most relevant to your preferences.

Regarding the state of the markets, we're at the tail end of earnings now, and as things settle down we'll start to see an increasing number of constructive setups forming in due course.

Again, be patient!

During the summer I was able to almost double my invested funds while the markets were predictable and ideal setups were abundant. And then I was able to stop just as the market was becoming a little ragged.

The best OVI traders have the confidence to operate like this. While they're consistently observing and in touch, they have the confidence to allow opportunities to slide by as they wait for their particular favoured setups to form.

This week I've identified plenty of stocks for commentary with different levels of attractiveness. It's good to gain experience by viewing plenty of stocks in this way, as before long you'll be able to cherry pick the tidier setups in the blink of your eye.

Finally, our big event is just four weeks away now, so if you haven't booked yet, click on the banner below my signature and speak with my support team who'll be happy to help!

Bye for now



PS. If you're interested in any of my OVI trading services for stocks or options such as a fast-track mentorship or workshop event, book yourself an appointment here to speak with one of my trusted team. Many of my members aren't aware of all the services I offer to help you become an established consistent winner with the OVI. Remember, everyone is an individual, and I ensure that I can cater to you and your particular needs.


FlagTrader LLC 2001 N Hunt Road Terre Haute, Indiana IN 47805 United States 001-872-829-0017

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