FDA Releases Pfizer COVID Vaccine Safety Data

Gilder's Daily Prophecy

December 18, 2020


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FDA Releases Pfizer COVID Vaccine Safety Data

George GilderDear Daily Prophecy Reader,

Below you will find an excerpt from this blog post from William Briggs.

Keep scrolling to read his thoughts…

The full FDA report is here.

Before discussing it, I want to emphasize that making this vaccine mandatory is evil, the work of tyrants.

There is nothing in the government-driven coronadoom crisis that warrants forcing people under the point of a gun — or starvation, or joblessness, or shunning — to take a vaccine most don’t necessarily need, especially those under about 40 years old and otherwise healthy.

Risk is the first consideration about whether to take a vaccine. Safety and efficacy follow. See this, at bottom, for who is most at risk of the virus. It’s small for most people.

Some have said you need a driver’s license to drive therefore… Do you need a vaccination to breathe? To live? The minds of the people who say this are clouded by irrational fear.

Too, we cannot and must not let medical experts decide these questions for us. Doctors don’t know what is ideal for a culture any more than astrophysicists. Memorizing bones or stars does not mean you know what is best for a people.

We must not allow the precedent of giving the government all control of citizens unless they submit to whatever fanciful medical treatment is in current fashion. The history of medicine alone is a sufficient argument for this.

One last qualification, about cause, well known to regular readers. We can’t read cause out of the data, but we can, do, and must read it into it.

For instance, we assume the side effects (mentioned later) were caused by the vaccine in the vaccine group, and were caused by something else beside the placebo in the placebo group. And we either assume that whatever this cause or these causes were in the placebo group, they weren’t operating in the drug group (which isn’t likely), or they were, but to an unknown extent.

Meaning not all the adverse events (AEs) in the vaccine group were caused by the vaccine, but by it and other things. The numbers of both can be guessed at using probability models.

With those provisos, onto the data — which I, like you, have to take as given to us.

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Adverse Events

The most important AE is death. Only two in the vaccine arm, four in the placebo. The Ns were 21,621 vaccine and 21,631 placebo, two doses for both, three weeks apart. Deaths were heart attacks, strokes, and two unknowns in the placebo group. All older than 55. This data is, of course, in favor of the vaccine.

Others (S is “serious”): “The most common SAEs in the vaccine group which were numerically higher than in the placebo group were appendicitis (0.04%), acute myocardial infarction (0.02%), and cerebrovascular accident (0.02%), and in the placebo arm numerically higher than in the vaccine arm were pneumonia (0.03%), atrial fibrillation (0.02%), and syncope [passing out] (0.02%).”

The placebo AEs can be put down to anxiety, if you like, or usual disease with the pneumonia. Appendicitis is indeed serious, as are heart attacks (MIs); and “cerebrovascular accident” is a nice euphemism for stroke.

Next, tables of “solicited” and “unsolicited” AEs. The difference is those the experimenters thought to ask about and those they didn’t. This opens the possibility that unsolicited AEs are under-counted.

table 14

Click the image to enlarge.

With our assumption about cause, the vaccine has been confirmed to produce more AEs.

table 15

Click the image to enlarge.

Note that this table (above) is 18-55 only, but a chart for 55+ is similar. Pain, swelling, and redness, while greater with vaccines, are minor.

I won’t show it, but there are similar charts showing vaccines produce in 18-55 year olds more fever (15.8% vs. 0.5%) fatigue (59.4% vs. 22.8%), headaches (51.7% vs. 24.1%), chills (35.1% vs. 3.8%), vomiting (1.9% vs. 1.2%), diarrhea (10.4% vs. 8.4%), muscle pain (37.3% vs. 8.2%), joint pain (21.9% vs. 5.2%), and use of antipyretic or anti-pain meds (45 vs. 12.6%). Results are similar for 55+.

Whether these are important is a question for you, and not anybody else. Meaning the answer will vary depending on person.

-William Briggs


George Gilder

George Gilder
Editor, Gilder's Daily Prophecy

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