Fear And The Need To Feel Safe: A Coronadoom Tale

Gilder's Daily Prophecy

December 02, 2020


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Fear And The Need To Feel Safe: A Coronadoom Tale

George GilderDear Daily Prophecy Reader,

Below, you’ll find an excerpt from this update from William Briggs.

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So I was walking down the street maskless — which is no harm to anybody since I do not obviously have the disease.

All deaths are COVID deaths. For there is no disease but COVID. Bless be the COVID, destroyer of worlds.

A young man, twenty to thirty, thin, likely a soyboy, was passing. He saw me, put his head against a wall, closed his eyes, and pinched his masked nose, lest he catch a whiff of my exhalation. I passed, he resumed walking.

There is no liberty this young man would not surrender to feel safe. What government would turn down his pleas for feelings of safety?

Few, it turns out. Because this man’s whispering, shivering, weeping, pathetic plea is not alone. His voice is added to by millions and millions, hundreds of millions. Their complaints have been heard! The government has responded.

walmart image

In acting, government officials feared for their own skins. Not in catching the disease.

All deaths are COVID deaths. For there is no disease but COVID. Bless be the COVID, destroyer of worlds.

No, they feared being blamed for the inevitable unpreventable deaths that occur. Our effeminate culture cannot abide bad things. All bad things are preventable, we think, if only enough people cared. If the inevitable deaths happened in the absence of useless, and even harmful, rules and restrictions, the people would not understand. They would blame the lack of caring. They would require a sacrifice.

Government officials knew and know it would be them. They would be kicked out of their sinecures and money-funneling positions (see e.g. Tony Bobulinsky) and onto the streets, there to mix with the deplorables.

So officials gave orders proving they care, and making sure everybody else had to prove they cared, too. It’s the caring that counts. Intention is all. Feelings create reality.

In our book, we quote (as many do) CS Lewis:

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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We can now see that this observation is only partially true in our crisis of courage. It fits only for the midwit bureaucrats and quacks put in charge of formulating the ever-changing lists of new daily rules — such as only unmasking when shoving Mega Corp cereal into your cry hole. All rules are called “the” science, even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff which is also “the” science.

People like Governor Nepotism of California or The Godmother in New York, or even Governor They Laughed At Me In High School of Michigan aren’t punishing us for our good. No. None of them give a damn for the masses under them. They only want to exercise power, to show who is in charge. They can’t be bothered to follow the rules their underlings have set, probably for the simple and good reasons that nobody can keep up with the changes, and they know the rules are nonsense.

The Godmother can toss the sick into nursing homes, which is where the most, and really the only truly vulnerable population for the disease dwell (98% of Canadian deaths were in long-term care homes).

All deaths are COVID deaths. For there is no disease but COVID. Bless be the COVID, destroyer of worlds.

Or dwelt. The Godmother’s idiotic move killed thousands. It didn’t matter. He wrote a book congratulating himself on his perspicacious solution in reducing the surplus population. He’s receiving an Emmy for his badgering press conferences.

Well he might! For it was there The Godmother showed how much he cared. His depth of emotion was great. He was angry, he strutted and strode, and even cursed. He said he would do anything if it meant saving just one life.

This is true caring, said the adoring masses.

Lo, the masses obediently strapped on their masks. They cheered when it became a crime not to. But they did not know how much they surrendered.

And they are still asking for more control. They still fear. For the disease is still with us, as it ever will be.

-William Briggs


George Gilder

George Gilder
Editor, Gilder's Daily Prophecy

P.S. The central banks have opened up a Pandora’s box of opportunity. My colleague Graham Summers has discovered what he believes to be a flaw in the currency markets. With this breakthrough, his research might explain why some people have the potential to get richer every time the Fed takes action. No one has ever seen a strategy quite like this for income generation before. Click here to check out this brief presentation Graham has created to find out what’s going on.

Trump's Secret Legacy

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Chances are, you haven’t heard about it until today.
But according to one of America’s most respected tech forecasters, it’s set to create small fortunes right here in this country.
He recently went on camera to explain why – check the footage out here while it’s still available.

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