Experts Agree: Electric Cars Nearing "Rapid Mass Adoption"

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Will You Have an Electric Car by This Time Next Year?

Check out this new EV piece by The Oxford Club's David Fessler. This man recommended Tesla in 2013. Since then, it's gone up about 9,569%. So whenever Dave's talking about electric cars, it pays to listen up.

- Ryan Fitzwater, Associate Publisher

The U.S. patent office opened on April 10, 1790.

Over the next 10 years, the U.S. granted 229 patents.

Today, the U.S. issues 229 patents... every seven hours.

The pace of technological process is just getting faster and faster.

And if you don't stay on your toes, you WILL get left behind.

Consider electric vehicles. They currently make up just 2% of the U.S. market.

But according to The New York Times, "that number could climb to more than 50% within 20 years."

Frankly, I think that's a conservative projection.

The ONLY thing standing between electric vehicles and rapid mass adoption is the cost of the batteries.

The batteries that power electric vehicles were once notorious for being outrageously expensive.

That's no longer true. Bloomberg reports that battery prices "have fallen 87%" since 2010. And they're only getting cheaper.

It won't be long before an electric car will cost you no more than a Honda Civic or a Toyota Corolla.

And one of the companies in my new EV presentation is at the front of this movement.

This company - which I call The Battery Disrupter - is manufacturing a battery that's longer-lasting, safer and - most importantly - CHEAPER than traditional lithium-ion batteries.

This battery is protected by more than 200 patents.

Bill Gates has invested upward of $20 million in the company.

And its board of directors includes Tesla co-founder J.B. Straubel and venture capital mastermind John Doerr.

Here's the story on this company and two other "MUST-BUY" EV stocks...


David Fessler
Engineering Strategist, The Oxford Club

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