How to play this earnings season

There are four special "earnings seasons" throughout the year…

They could provide heightened potential to make some massive 24-hour gains!

These earnings seasons are called "Alpha Zones"…

And they can be EXTREMELY powerful!

Here's what the last Alpha Zone saw…

  • 67% gains from PYPL in 3 days

  • 167% gains from SQ in 7 days

  • 106% gains from ZM in 30 days

  • 88% gains from PLTR in 10 days

  • And even 178% gains from PTON in just over a month!

Disclaimer: The profits and performance shown are not typical and do not guarantee future trade results.

Now we're about to enter the next "Alpha Zone!"

Which means there are massive opportunities laying right in front of us.

What are you going to do with it?

I know what I'm going to do… Tap into these Alpha Trades!

Tap into these Alpha Trades with me today before you miss all the earnings season activity

A MarketWealth Publication

Disclaimer & Disclosures
The information in this email is intended for informational purposes only and does not guarantee specific results as there is a high degree of risk involved with trading. Also, our traders are real traders and may have financial interests in the companies discussed.  Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information.

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