These are the exact elements and techniques I use when I sit down to trade

Hey Phan Hoa,

With the markets the way they are today, day trading can feel overwhelming. But it doesn't have to!

Following the markets obsessively, I see that this is the time to truly learn what it is telling us. This is the opposite of what I USED to do. I used to try to anticipate or predict its moves. Not anymore!

I am seeing that the strategy and the simplicity that I have been using for years, is even more important and must be applied in today's market conditions.

I am sharing with you my own 'CHEAT SHEET' totally FREE! 


These are the exact elements and techniques I use when I sit down to trade.

I have said many many times, day traders can make as much, if not more money, on the downswings as they can on the upswings. It all boils down to understanding what the market is telling us and what the market is doing. 

DOWNLOAD YOUR CHEAT HERE if you don't already have it.

Right now is not time to panic. Knowledge will always win in the end. I'm always here for your questions. Truly!

Just hit reply and ask me anything!

Marina 'The Trader Chick' 

PS: Join me and other day traders from around the world in my free FB group.

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