Three Habits to Fulfill Your American Dream

Legacy Research Group

April 13, 2021

Chris’ note: Our mission at the Cut is to help you really move the needle on your wealth. Most folks think that means just figuring out which stocks to invest in… or how to time the market. But financial freedom is actually the result of three habits.

That’s according to my friend and colleague Teeka Tiwari. He’s living proof of the American dream. He grew up in Britain’s foster care system. But he made it to America… and made it on Wall Street. Today, he’s behind some of the country’s top-selling investment advisories.

If you’re serious about building wealth, please pay special attention to today’s essay from Teeka. It distills decades of hard-won insight about how you can be free of financial stress… for good.

Then catch Teeka’s How to Buy Back 20 Years of Your Life event next Wednesday, April 21 at 8 p.m. ET. It’s about an upcoming window of just a few weeks… during which certain stocks can deliver decades’ worth of gains. He’ll even reveal the exact list of stocks you can trade. Sign up – for free – here.

Three Habits to Fulfill Your American Dream

By Teeka Tiwari, Editor, Palm Beach Daily

Teeka Tiwari

I owe my success to America…

If you’ve heard my accent, you know it’s a mishmash of New York City and England.

My friends describe it as “Brooklish”… as in Brooklyn and English.

I wasn’t born in the U.S. I grew up in Britain’s foster care system…

I lived in a cramped, unheated room on top of a garage. At night, I watched my breath coil into a frigid mist. The future looked as bleak as my tiny room.

Since I was 12, I dreamed of working in the stock market. I shared that dream with my school job counselor.

He told me to be more realistic… “Be a telephone repairman,” he advised me.

But I knew in my heart my future was in the financial markets.

As a teenager trapped in the foster care system, I realized no one was going to rescue me. I had to rescue myself.

So when I turned 16, I left for America…

With just $150 in my pocket, I set course for the financial capital of the world – New York City.

What I found changed my life forever…

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Jeff Brown: "Invest in ALDL NOW!"


To be clear, ALDL is not a ticker symbol. It stands for what Jeff Brown calls America's Last Digital Leap.

And according to him, it could be the most profitable event in stock market history.

The World Economic Forum issued a report saying that "the train is leaving the station, and individuals need to get on board quickly."

Click here now and get all the details from Jeff before it's too late.

You’ve Got to Give to Get

It was 1987. New York City was full of enormous opportunity… obscene luxury… and bottomless wealth – all right next to crippling poverty.

I worked three jobs. I even offered to work for free on Wall Street until a guy named Frank gave me a shot. I started off as an assistant to the big-time brokers and eventually became a big-time broker myself.

In two years, I became the youngest vice president in the history of Shearson Lehman…

Then, after 15 years on Wall Street, I suddenly left.

I was realizing my dream. But I couldn’t shake the feeling it was happening at the expense of other people’s dreams. Wall Street had trained me to focus on putting fees first and customers second.

I was living a life that was not aligned with my core values. You can probably guess what happened…

The higher I rose and the richer I got… the more unhappy I became. Everyone told me I was a success, but I felt like a failure.

One day, it hit me. I had become a parasite. I was feeding off others without providing value in return. As I faced that realization, I knew I had to make a radical change.

So I quit my job… leaving millions of dollars on the table. And I launched my own independent research firm to share my insights with regular investors. I started to build my life around the idea of giving value to get value in return.

Did You Fall for This JUNK?

Today, my mission is to help my subscribers bridge the ever-growing wealth gap between the super-rich and the middle class.

My research shows the widening wealth gap is only getting worse. We aren’t born with the knowledge to bridge this gap. So I’m passing on my knowledge to you…

Three Habits for Financial Freedom

I was raised with a poverty mindset I had to break out of.

I was taught money was evil. Rich people were mean and underhanded. You must accept you will never be rich.

Maybe you can identify with that type of upbringing.

But money is completely devoid of consciousness. It doesn’t sit there and think, “Oh, this person is deserving. Let me flow to him,” or, “This person is undeserving. Let me not flow to him.”

Instead, money is a byproduct of three habits…

  • Habit No. 1: Live on less than you earn

If you consistently keep more than what goes out, you’ll have a surplus of money. Simple, right?

  • Habit No. 2: Maximize your ability to earn from your current job

Your single biggest source of income is your job. Most jobs will pay you more money as your skill rises.

So the quickest way to make more money is to improve your skills. Put yourself on a skill-development track to become world-class at your job.

If you don’t know how… no problem. Here’s what you do…

Offer to take the most successful person at your company out to lunch. Ask this person about their work habits. Acknowledge their success and ask them, “What do you do that’s different from everyone else?”

Don’t interrupt them. Just listen and take notes. By the end of the lunch, you’ll have the beginning of a blueprint for becoming world-class at your job.

If your firm doesn’t recognize your improved performance, that’s okay. Find another employer that will. Be sure to negotiate for more money. And never leave a job without having another one lined up first.

  • Habit No. 3: Create multiple streams of income

If you’ve nailed the first two habits, No. 3 is how you turbocharge your wealth.

This is where you invest in low-risk, income-producing stocks, real estate, or private businesses. Also, this is where you can incorporate a “side hustle” for extra income.

Side hustles include – but aren’t limited to – Uber driving, Postmates/Grubhub deliveries, selling crafts on Etsy, buying and selling on eBay, etc.

You just keep reinvesting all your surplus capital into low-risk, income-producing investments. Lo and behold, in about seven years, you’ll be rich.

Did you do anything wrong to get this wealth? Did you tread on anybody to create this wealth?

No and no.

So you can see wealth creation isn’t complicated. But it is difficult. It’s difficult because we’re bombarded with ads to buy stuff every minute of every day. That makes habit No. 1 – live on less than you earn – the toughest to acquire.

But without that habit, you can never create lasting wealth.

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Former hedge fund manager Teeka Tiwari has just called an "all-hands-on-deck" meeting. On Wednesday, April 21, at 8 p.m. ET, Teeka has agreed to introduce you to a little-known, yet powerful, wealth-building event. It's something he calls the "Anomaly Window."

Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with IPOs, SPACs, or cryptos. Instead, it uses ordinary stocks to unlock extraordinary gains, like: 168% in 14 days… 290% in 96 days… and even 600% in just 42 days.

Understand: Under normal circumstances, this feat would NOT be possible. Attendance to find out how the "Anomaly Window" makes it possible is 100% free. However, there is a strict cut-off date.

So Act Now To Add Your Name To The RSVP List.

Achieve Your Own American Dream

If I have any agenda, it’s to spread the message that ANYONE can become wealthy. And I want to prove it. Over the last few years, I’ve helped thousands of subscribers change their lives through crypto investments. But I realize cryptos aren’t for everyone.

That’s why, next Wednesday, I’m going to share my biggest secret to achieving your American dream from the stock market. It has nothing to do with crypto… or private investments.

It involves a rare “Anomaly Window” that happens every few years. It’s the only time I’ve seen blue-chip stocks offer life-changing gains. And the last time it happened… I showed my readers how to make 21 years’ worth of stock market gains in just a few months.

Inside this window, the rules for wealth-building change… and you can make more on boring, safe stocks in a few weeks than you would normally make in 39 years holding an S&P index.

Join me at 8 p.m. ET next Wednesday, April 21, and you’ll learn what this window is… and how it can help you achieve your American dream. Just go here to sign up for free.

Let the Game Come to You!


Teeka Tiwari
Editor, Palm Beach Daily

P.S. I want everyone to have a chance to live their American dream. So to make it a no-brainer for you to sign up for this event… I’m giving away four free gifts.

If you RSVP right now, you’ll receive a ticket to How to Buy Back 20 Years of Your Life on Wednesday, April 21 at 8 p.m. ET… and access to my bonus Q&A session (no personalized advice).

Plus, you’ll get my three-part strategy session starting April 16… and a full list of stocks to trade during the next “Anomaly Window.”

All you have to do is register right here.

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Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk Betting Big on This

Jeff Brown has an important message for you…

And it has to do with this new $30 trillion megatrend.

But you better hurry because things are moving quickly.

Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk have been investing billions in part of a new trend CNBC called a “$30 trillion market just getting started.”

Research firm MRP called it “a mania” and said…

Stocks in this area “will experience exponential growth from here.”

Don’t miss out… to get all the details including how you could get access to names and tickers of several stocks that stand to benefit from this trend…

Click here.


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