Lesson 9: How To Trade From Anywhere In The World


Lesson 9: Make money from home...or anywhere in the world

Up until recently only market makers and very large traders could do the types of trades I do. The reason: commissions. As recently as a few years ago you would have to pay $30-$40 to buy or sell a single option. Now you can to the same trade for less than $1. Online trading and lower commissions have allowed regular people like you and me the opportunity to trade for a living.

Market makers are the guys or companies that keep stocks liquid. Their job is to buy and sell the stock all day so everyone gets their orders filled. They are the ones that get to keep the spread between the ask and the bid prices.

The current trend is moving more and more to electronic trading. Computers are the new market makers. And this has lowered the cost of trading. Commissions that used to be $30 per option are now $1 or less per option traded. Before, it only made sense for the big boys to do these trades. Now us little guys can do them too.

Not only that, but brokers are now giving away trading tools that used to cost thousands of dollars to buy and use. For example, my broker gives free live quotes and free live charts to every account. Fidelity doesn't even do this yet. And Fidelity is still charging about $10 per option.

Before, you needed complicated and expensive software to be able to determine what options to sell and how much they were worth. Now most brokers provide all you need. And you don't even need a computer. You can trade on your phone or iPad from anywhere in the world!

If you are serious about option trading, you need to get a broker that specializes in options. There are several out there. The ones I recommend are ...

This lesson continues at http://www.optiongenius.com/lesson-9

Put The Odds In Your Favor

Allen Sama

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