Seasoned Stocks: Trade of the Week


Never Be On The Wrong Side Of Another Historically Repeating Market Cycle Or Trend…

Dear Trader,

Here's a good one to put on your seasonal calendar...

Over the past decade, Ne.tflix (NFLX) has gone up 100% of the time from May 12- July 16. The "Average Profit Per Trade" is 16.96% if you simply bought the stock. If one traded options, it would have a much much higher ROI%. In the Seasoned Stocks scanning application, you can see below that for every $1,000 invested in Ne.tflix stock, the "Average Profit Per Trade" is $169.67. These are great stats over this 2 month time period.


The Seasoned Stocks software shows some great Max % Open Gains over this 2 month timeframe. For an option trader, these are excellent ROI% stats. If you glance at the 10%-40% moves in the stock during the given time frame, these were astronomical opportunities for an options trader to make a significantly higher ROI%. That's not to say that the move will happen this year, or ever again for that matter, but history may be telling us something.


If we look at the Seasoned Stocks software, we see that the Technical Analysis Widget displays that the Weekly indicators show a Buy, while the Weekly and Daily timeframes say a technical Sell at this time. Please note, this is an 'at a glance' sentiment indicator. So "technically" speaking, it's saying hold off getting Bullish at the moment of this writing.


Below, you will notice that there's good room for 22% Upside move $615.06 price target from Analysts--- me personally, I like to see a price target of at least 10% away from current price, 20%+ in general great for a swing/position trader.


The Starmine Model, which is like having a room full of quantitative PhD's- is showing that the Combined Alpha Model (39 rating) is rather neutral, and the Credit Risk-Combined (79) is rather bullish. So rather than picking hairs, quantitative sentiment leans Bullish for Ne.tflix:


Over the past 3 months, Ne.tflix and their peer group, has been showing a general bullish sentiment as well...


There's been an increased activity in option Call-side action at the 540 strike level for this upcoming June 18th expiry. There's over ⅓ of a Billion dollars in USD notional value interest, which might potentially trigger a draw of price towards that level.


Ne.tflix is a member of the FAANG stocks, those are all looking pretty good amongst analysts


So there you have it…


Personally, I'm not ready to get into a directional bullish position on NFLX, I'm waiting for technical changes in the stock before I start to test the market. I have absolutely no clue, but this stock could neander flat to lower for a few weeks or so, or it could change tomorrow. Bottom-line, I'm not taking on any buy-side action personally right this moment. But, it's definitely on my radar after the recent sell-off, it might be a decent buy should it prove-up technically.

Hopefully this information shared today was helpful, and provided you with an added edge in your trading. Remember, do your homework, and fully understand the risk before trading anything.

To learn more about more seasonal information on Ne.tflix (NFLX) and other seasonal opportunities, please click on the link below to access the Seasoned Stocks software:

Trade Smart,
Chad Shirley


Don't forget to set up email and text alerts for your upcoming Seasoned Stocks trade alerts:


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