$1.4M Stock Buy: No Clue What They Do, But Follow the Money Anyway

Discover The Secrets To Finding Under-The-Radar Stocks Like A Pro

Hey Trader,

Chances are that you aren't an auto mechanic. 

(If you are, let me know… because we all need to have a good one on speed dial.)

However, chances are high that you can drive a car. 

You don't have to know how to build a vehicle in order to drive it from point A to point B. 

And guess what?

Stocks are the same.

We've made serious coin from investing in biotech firms, software companies, and even pharmaceutical companies working on next-level medical treatments.

We might not have an easy time describing the technical intricacies of what they do, but the profits are still green.

Click here to discover the secret to finding big profits in unlikely places.

Don't get me wrong: you should ALWAYS conduct thorough research and due diligence before making an investment. 

You wouldn't buy a car sight unseen, would you?


So you still need to kick the tires and take a look under the hood of your potential stock picks.

Our recent pick at the Insider Report service is the same.

They're a highly niched industrial company that specializes in extremely accurate measurements.

That's all I got.

I'd have a tough time walking you through their entire production process unless I was an engineer.

But it honestly doesn't matter…  

Because the meat and potatoes of it is that one of their insiders just scooped up a boatload of stock.

This corporate bigwig made two large, personal buys back to back. 

The first was for 30,000 shares at a cost of $1,052,100.

The next day, he snatched up another 10,000 shares for an additional investment of $341,600.

That's a whopping $1,393,700 purchase over a 48 hour period.

This guy knows something that we don't know. 

Whether or not you could explain this company's business is less important than you think.

Sometimes, you just need to follow the money.

By the way, this company also has a lot going for it behind the scenes.

Price has almost doubled over the prior twelve months, and shares now trade within 5% of the 52-week high.

The firm is also growing earnings while maintaining margins – a sign of quality growth in bottom line profits.

Strong performance and big insider buys usually indicate high profit potential. 

Insider Report members have booked gains of 22%, 29%, 60%, and 66% over the last few weeks!

Click here to get in on the next round of potentially explosive profits…

Don't forget: you don't have to be a mechanic to drive a car. 

Now, "follow that car!"

… I mean, "follow those profits!"


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Market Traders Daily
Director of Client Services

Disclaimer: Futures, forex, stock, and options trading are not appropriate for all traders. There is a substantial risk of loss associated with trading these markets. Losses can and will occur. No system or methodology has ever been developed that can ensure returns or against losses. No representation or implication is being made that using any of these methodologies or systems will generate returns or ensure against losses.

Global Profits System International
14422 Shoreside Way STE 104-153
Winter Garden Florida 34787
United States

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