(ENDS) #1 Time Decay Strategy in SPY

ENDS NOW – Be sure to read this email carefully as this ends tonight.

Dear Trader,

How would you like to bring in as much as 300/week (single lot size) taking advantage of one of the most effective time-decay strategies available?

The CashFlow SPY strategy:

  • Low Risk
  • Mathematically High-Probability
  • Very Simple
  • Extremely Logical
  • Very Little Capital
  • Great for Growing Small Accounts

How Does the Cash Flow SPY strategy work?

Cash Flow takes advantage of what is called "warped" time decay between 2 options.

  • Option 1 = $50 per day-time decay
  • Option 2 = $10 per day-time decay

If you sell Option 1, over the next 2 days, it is projected to drop by $50 per day, or $100 after 2-days.

If you buy Option 2, it is projected to drop by $10 per day, or $20 after 2-days.

Option 1 Sell = +$100

Option 2 Buy = - $ 20

Net Gain after 2-days is $80.

This is because the time value between the short option and the long option is "warped", or "skewed".

This is one of the most powerful concepts in all of option trading, if you know how to take advantage of it.

Even better is that SPY has some of the craziest warped time decay opportunities out there because of one unique characteristic…

SPY has options that expire every Monday, Wednesday & Friday.

That means there are 3 opportunities each and every week available to take advantage of warped time value.

All while keeping your risks limited and small, and your probabilities of overall success very high.


If you want to start taking advantage of this powerful strategy in SPY, this is the last day I am providing the CashFlow SPY strategy video for only $97.

This video is going to show you exactly how you can consistently take advantage of warped time-decay in SPY options through the Cash Flow SPY strategy.

You'll see how to place on trades like this:


This project graph was created trading the Cash Flow SPY strategy after just 2-days. Notice there is no risk to the downside, the risk to the upside is super small, and the potential gain is as much as $200.

This isn't how they always turn out, but the probability of creating similar situations is high thanks to the unique approach the CashFlow SPY strategy uses to take advantage of warped time-decay.


You can make back 2 to 3 times the cost of this video on a single CashFlow SPY trade. At $97, this is a great intro into how to start creating consistent, low-risk income week in and week out.

However, today is the last day we are offering this instructional video at $97.

Grab your copy now.

Trade Smart, Retire Early.

p.s. As a bonus, I am also going to throw in what has been called the single most valuable option trading video ever by those who have watched it. "Game changer", "eye-opener". This video is entitled "the Power of PPD", and it is the basis for every single option spread strategy I trade. I am going to throw this video in at no cost if you take advantage of the $97 Cash Flow SPY strategy.

Ends Now. Grab it Before the Price Doubles

p.s.p.s In the video you'll see a trade I took this week that worked out perfectly, netting almost $200 with a super low probability of realizing a $200 risk. Watch the video and see why.

Glossing over Risk Disclaimers is a dangerous habit many traders have developed. With all trading strategies, there is "profit potential" and there is "risk potential". Risk potential means you could experience losses. Profit potential means you could experience profits. Glossing over a risk disclaimer may lead to deciding to stop trading strategies long before they should stop trading them because they did not take the risk disclaimer seriously. Understanding risk is more important to the overall success of trading than you might think. Every strategy and trade opportunity associated with PDS Trader carries risk. In all cases, you decide whether the "profit potential" is worth the "risk potential". *Disclaimer – Results may vary from person to person and results are not guaranteed. (For more information, read our Privacy Policy https://paydaystocks.com/privacy-policy)


Quantum Trading Technologies PO Box 1510 Clearwater, Florida 33757 United States

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