Traditional Banks Are Back with Big Profits

Hey Trader,

Love them, or hate them, traditional banks have been a part of the market landscape forever.

Some of them have even been operating for 100+ years.

But over the last few years, they've fallen out of favor.

Scandals, other investment options, and other developments have caused many traditional banks to lose their shine and market share.

One of the biggest hits that the big guys have taken, is the wave of cryptocurrencies that have been dominating the market and news for the last few years.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and a host of others have drawn the attention, and dollars of millennials, and more aggressive investors.

Ridiculously low-yield interest rates aren't doing these guys any favors either. The average savings account yield is currently around 0.06% APY.

Even more insulting are the "high-yield" savings accounts. I recently saw one bank touting a 0.52% APY savings account like it was something to be proud of.

When you get used to triple-digit profits like 100%, 400%, and 900% within a few days and weeks, 0.52% APY starts to feel like a slap in the face.

Click here to learn my proven method of consistently finding "needle in a haystack trades" that bring in triple-digit gains.

Still, there are a number of investors out there trying to build their retirement funds one pebble at a time with these abysmal rates.

So, the lights stay on at the traditional banks.

But here's the thing.

You can still manage to squeeze a pretty penny out of these old school financial houses.

If you know where to look.

You see, US Banks are in good shape...with tons of liquidity.

And stock buybacks have returned...what is not to like?

Here's another gem. Our good friend inflation has been seen out in the wild as well.

Bottom Line...Some traditional banks are a solid opportunity to hedge inflation.

Just like the latest pick that Statistical Disruptive Flow put on my radar.

After vetting the opportunity, I immediately sent out a buy alert to my PFG members.

Word on the street is some dark pool entries floating around and the total amount just yesterday was around $72,000,000, yes you heard that right.

And as the former lead analyst for the Insider Report, I can say that is a clear indicator that someone knows something and they're quietly buying up all they can.

That means it's time to make a move.


If you move quickly, it's entirely possible to scoop up 260%!

However, if this thing skyrockets the way I'm predicting, this could very well become another 900%+ trade!

But only my members have the exclusive info to make this happen!

What are you waiting for?

Click here to become a PFG member and access this explosive ticker with all the details today!

Don't miss your opportunity to make the big banks pay up!

Wishing you trading success,

J. R JaƩn
Profit Flow Group

Market Traders Daily
Director of Client Services

Disclaimer:Futures, forex, stock, and options trading are not appropriate for all traders. There is a substantial risk of loss associated with trading these markets. Losses can and will occur. No system or methodology has ever been developed that can ensure returns or against losses. No representation or implication is being made that using any of these methodologies or systems will generate returns or ensure against losses.

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Global Profit Systems International, 15502 Stoneybrook West Parkway Suite 104-153, Winter Garden, FL 34787, US

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