Report You Requested: 3 Reasons We Could Be Facing Disaster (And What To Do About It)...

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If you are trading the markets in 2021 I have an urgent message for you…

What you're about to see could be the biggest trading story of the year.

And for anyone caught unprepared, the results could be disastrous…

I'm serious.

Right now, today, your accounts are vulnerable to a potential market crash of up to 40% over a few short months, maybe even more.

Please understand this isn't some wild "guess", far from it.

I'll prove it.

If you haven't seen it yet, I urge you to check out this short (under 5 minute read) report detailing 3 market conditions we are all facing today that have historically tanked the market.

Because you don't have to suffer the way many traders did in 2000, 2008 or 2020.

In fact, you have the chance to actually GROW your accounts, if you know what's coming and decide how you are going to play it.

Oh, and I also want to let you know what you can expect after reading this.

But before I do, I want to take a second to welcome you to the research we here at MarketGauge have been creating for a select group of traders for over a decade now.

If you don't know me yet... My name is Geoff Bysshe. And my partners and I are among the last of a dying breed of traders.

You probably have some idea in your head what it was like to be a floor trader on Wall Street in the 80's and early 90's...

The thrilling frenzy of hundreds of traders moving billions of dollars around, shouting out orders to buy and sell.

We lived it all...

It was glamorous in a way, sure. But it could also be a maddening pressure cooker.

You may not realize this, but we had to buy our own seats on the trading floor...

Investing a significant amount just to be there.

Oh, and once we made it to the floor... We were trading with our own money!

Every day we faced the potential to make a fortune, or go bust.

There were plenty of traders on each side.

Some became wildly rich...

Others went broke...

This was our education, and to survive in that world we had to develop extremely precise trading styles.

... and while I won't tell you we made hundreds of millions for ourselves there...

... we did well.

More importantly we never went bust like so many others!

But that world doesn't exist anymore, not really.

The trading floors of today are a shadow of what they once were.

My partners, Keith and Michelle Schneider, and I are some of the last traders to ever experience it in its heyday.

But that's not all..

We've also managed money for giant hedge funds, at one point sharing offices next to Ray Dalio and Bridgewater and then later running money for Millennium Partners.

But we don't trade on the floor anymore...

We don't work for multi-billion dollar hedge funds...

We don't work for Wall Street...

For over a decade now, we've worked for traders like you...

Our mission is to take everything we've learned over a 40 year career in some of the wildest parts of finance, put it all into easy to follow automated systems - and give it all to individual traders like you.

That's why we believe it's essential to warn you of a unique situation that's developing in the markets right now.

I don't say this to try and scare you!

My hope for you today is you simply read the research we've prepared for you so that you can know what's coming…

… and choose how you'd like to deal with it yourself.

And don't worry, over the next few days I'll send you a few more short emails to offer you guidance, and share with you our personal plan for how to trade what's coming next.

Again, if you haven't seen this yet I urge you to read this now, and I'll follow up with you over the next few days.

Read, "Today, We Are Facing 3 Historically Disastrous Market Conditions…"

Best wishes for your trading,

Geoff Bysshe

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There is substantial risk of loss associated with trading any securities including and not limited to stocks, ETFs, futures, and options. Only risk capital should be used to trade. Trading securities is not suitable for everyone. No representation is being made that the use of this strategy or any system or trading methodology will generate profits. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

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