Hyzon Biden Its Time; Or, DEW You Have Great Picks?

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Like Stuff? Share Stuff! September 02, 2021  
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Great Stuff Picks: Do The DEW

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It’s five o’clock on a Thursday. The Great Ones shuffle in. There’s an old man emailing me, making fun of my bourbon again.

He says: “Mr. Great Stuff, where is your portfolio?” I’m not really sure how it goes. But it shows up every now and then … when I feel like putting on a big show.

Oh, la la la de de da…

Welcome to Reader Feedback day! For those newbies out there, today’s the day we dive into the Great Stuff inbox like Scrooge McDuck, swim around for a bit, and answer the emails that … umm … stick? Yeah, we’ll go with that.

Now, you’re clearly too late to participate in today’s insanity, but if you have any investing or stock market-related questions … drop us a line at GreatStuffToday@BanyanHill.com.

We’ll answer them as only Great Stuff can … with truth and a rather large side of sarcasm. It works best if you pour it over your mashed potatoes … just saying.

Anywho, let’s get to the main course right away, shall we?

Good morning!

DEW here from New Hampshire. First, I want to say I really enjoy when I have the time to read your daily articles. They are a funny and informative way to catch up on things in the markets. Keep up the good work!

I have seen glimpses of your picks and portfolio from time to time, and your portfolio seems to do well. Maybe better than some of the paid services that I use.

I have found, however, that it's very difficult to find the actual portfolio, and when I do find it, it seems quite out of date.

For instance, I think I found the most recent Great Stuff Picks portfolio that you published on June 18. But, when I look at it, the newest pick that you have on there was opened in April of 2020.

Where are the recommendations from 2021 and from the last eight months of 2020? Maybe I'm missing something? Can you help/advise me on how to see the information? Thank you for your help!


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Boy, you just made the cutoff for today’s issue, DEW! I mean, you’re really pushing the envelope. Luckily, I planned to talk about the Great Stuff Picks portfolio anyway, so here we are…

First, a little background: The Great Stuff Picks portfolio is a free portfolio. Most of you already know that. But what you don’t know is how to find the portfolio or when it gets updated.

What I’d like to tell you is that it lives on GreatStuffToday.com and that you can find all the information there. That’s what I’d like to tell you. But, as the Rolling Stones say: “You can’t always get what you want.”

The reality of the free Great Stuff Picks portfolio is that it doesn’t live anywhere. There is no regular schedule for trading recommendations. Basically, I update it when situations change for the stocks we’re holding, and then I share those changes with you here in Great Stuff.

So, if you wanna see the portfolio or get updates on open positions, you have to read Great Stuff regularly.

I also make new recommendations when I find a high-conviction investment opportunity. These new recs also show up in daily Great Stuff issues — so, once again, you have to read daily to get in.

While the Great Stuff Picks portfolio is technically free, there is a hidden cost: You have to read Great Stuff regularly.

Consider The Following!

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Now, I’ve thought about offering a permanent living space for the Great Stuff Picks portfolio, complete with regular commentary on open positions and more regular trading ideas. But those things have a cost that’s more than just opening an email or visiting a website.

Also, I’m just this guy, you know? And I have this daily e-zine to keep up with — you’re reading it right now, after all.

Let me throw this out to you, DEW, and to all you other Great Ones: Would you be willing to pay … say, like $5 a month or something … for Great Stuff Picks to have a permanent home and additional content? Kind of like a streaming subscription service, but without the streaming … for now, at least.

If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, hit me up at GreatStuffToday@BanyanHill.com and let me know. If we get enough Great Ones interested in this, I just might be able to make it happen.

Umm, so about the portfolio … can we, you know, see it?

Sure thing! Here it is in all its glory:

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Now, I’m getting a little long in the tooth here, and we have other Great Ones to get to. So, I’ll make this quick. You’re sitting on six triple-digit winners, a total average return of 104% on open positions and an overall win rate of 94%! Woot!

Our most recent pick, Nvidia (Nasdaq: NVDA), is performing really well — up 38% since I recommended it back on June 1. Our next most recent pick, Hyzon Motors (Nasdaq: HYZN), is finally making its move … but more on that in a bit.

I’m putting both CarMax (NYSE: KMX) and iRobot (Nasdaq: IRBT) on hold for now. Both are struggling with shifting market conditions, and they could be on the verge of either resuming their former uptrends or breaking down completely. I’ll keep a close eye on these two and give you an update when we have confirmation.

Oh, DEW … I hope I’ve answered your questions and then some. This is the nature of the Great Stuff Picks portfolio beast … for now, at least.

Thanks again for writing in!

Editor’s Note: We’re In A Race Against Time

5G is being rolled out across the country as we speak. The biggest, most successful companies are throwing down gobs of money to upgrade their 5G infrastructure.

But all these companies will rely on a small firm based in California. This one company holds the real secret to rolling out 5G on a mass scale. Click here to keep reading…

Turn on your images.

Huddle ‘round, Great Ones, we have a lot to cover today — y’all were busy this week! Our virtual mailbag runneth over, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

If any of today’s choice cuts get you ranting and raving, don’t let those thoughts go to waste off in the ether. Write to us at GreatStuffToday@BanyanHill.com!

Portfolio Picks Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Hello Joseph and/or GREAT crew, I thought I’d update my HYZN adventure email chain. This update is that Whiskey-infused BBQ sauce makes crow a little more palatable. (Drink the whiskey, use the BBQ sauce on the bird). Oh, also, pluck feathers first.

I’d like to blame your “encouragement to write” for my whining about my adventuring into and buying HYZN. (Almost immediately after purchase, they announced a near billion cash-acquirement, driving price down almost 20%).

Today this fun-intended “investment” is indeed fun (for the moment) at being up over 20%. That means I must CREDIT your encouragement to write and am doing so by adding this update for my “eating-crow” response with this recipe update.

Hope you all have an awesome week; thanks for the entertaining and info-packed daily dose of diversion.Wayne

Like I said, what’s a Reader Feedback special without a little Hyzon action? I’m glad the HYZN trade is finally showing us some love. Technical traders are feeling the love. A few smart Wall Street analysts are feeling the love. (And I think I’ll end that metaphor right there.)

Not that it’s a bad thing … but I believe HYZN’s recent uptick is due more to Biden’s infrastructure plan than any real company news. This is par for the course with Hyzon. The company’s off in obscurity making miracles happen — as in literally turning trash heaps into clean, usable fuel — and HYZN shares barely budge.

While the company news is great for Hyzon’s future growth, we’ve seen this same kinda news for months now. So, I'm thinking Biden’s infrastructure plan is the driver. Throw in a little technical trading attention, and bada bing, you have this:

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A bunch of squiggles? Is this a Rorschach test?

No, Hyzon’s up above its 50-day moving average, shown by the blue line. This brought all the technical traders to the yard … and today, HYZN popped above $10. Traders like round numbers, and $10 is a clear point of former support.

HYZN might consolidate around this $10 range in the short term — since so many traders piled into the stock, it’s nearing overbought levels, shown by that little RSI, or relative strength index, at the top of the chart.

Remember, Hyzon is a long-term play for us. If HYZN’s chilling around support levels at $10, this could be a good time to buy in if you haven’t already … or add to an existing position.

Once this consolidation runs its course, HYZN should continue to rally, with the next potential sticking point in the $12 to $13 area. This range is where HYZN was stuck back in February and March. A breakout through that area could see HYZN shares quickly hit $15, then race back to former highs.

It's gonna happen. It's just a matter of time. Thank you for holding on loosely, Wayne … but don’t let go!

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Robin’ The Hood

Hey there, Mr. Great Stuff!

In regard to the Robinhood fiasco, I learned about the company from some of the Millennials that I work with. So, I don’t know that any negative news regarding the company will affect, or even reach, a lot of that demographic.

I was curious enough to open a small account with them a couple of years ago. One of the positives that came from brokers like Robinhood, Tastyworks, etc., was that it forced the hands of the behemoths (Fidelity, Schwab, etc.) to go to a $0 commission model also. If that’s the only positive, then they’ve done their job, in my opinion.

While their platform isn’t great, I see the attraction for the younger generation. And hopefully, using that app on their phones will act as a, oh no, dare I say it, “gateway drug” to get them interested in learning more about investing, trading and the economy in general.

Keep being great!Curtis D.

Curtis, are you sure you met a Millennial? Or do you work with a bunch of fresh-faced Gen Xers moonlighting as today’s youth of the nation? (We are we are…)

Hop into Great Stuff’s hot tub time machine and turn the dial back to just a few months ago. It was the Millennial meme stock crowd that turned the spotlight on Robinhood’s (Nasdaq: HOOD) shady trading practices to begin with.

This outrage may have died down to a monosyllabic mutter, but I’d say the ramifications of Robinhood’s tomfoolery are still ringing loud and clear. Hence the SEC’s investigation into The Hood’s “payment for order flow,” or PFOF, profiteering.

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Will anything come from this investigation? Your guess is as good as mine. The SEC sat back and twiddled its thumbs while Robinhood blocked traders from buying (not selling) certain stocks … so I don’t have complete faith in the system.

But let’s say the SEC does kill PFOF, and Robinhood’s easy money train goes off the rails. Robinhood would need to change its business model — and fast.

Unless it found another exploitative loophole to jump through, The Hood’s metamorphosis would leave it looking just like Fidelity and Schwab … in other words, another Plain Jane trading platform that no one asked to the dance.

Without its signature “market disruptor” moniker, Robinhood might not appeal to the very Millennial crowd that put it on the map (and then struck it back down post-GME). And while it will no doubt survive … life finds a way … it won’t ever be the same.

But you’re absolutely right, Curtis: One great thing to come from Robinhood’s pièce de résistance is the mass adoption of zero-commission trading. I have no doubt these waived fees helped bring new, younger investors into the financial fold.

Considering my livelihood depends on the sentiment of said investors … I consider this a big win. Thanks for typing in the Great Stuff chat room, Curtis! I hope you’ll join our shenanigans again soon.

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And There Was Much Rejoicing!

Sound the trumpets! Strike up the band! Break open the champagne, for today is a day to celebrate! Great Stuff is once again gracing my email inbox like a glorious ray of sunshine!

Thank you to the Great Stuff team for finally resolving my email issues. It’s like putting on an old coat that you haven’t worn for a couple of years and finding a $10 bill in a pocket.Mike B.

Huzzah! Mikey B. has reentered the chat. Welcome back, my dude!

I’m glad that our winged monkeys finally made it safe to your inbox once again — must be magic!

If you — yes, you — were wondering why you only get Great Stuff on some days and not others, reach out to us! We’ll get you all sorted out … well, your daily subscription, at least. I can’t promise our magic works on other … issues.

Also, if you completely stopped receiving Great Stuff — an absolute travesty! — then be sure to write to GreatStuffToday@BanyanHill.com after you’ve stopped panicking.

Everyone else, keep on keeping on! We’ll see you right here tomorrow to end the week with Greatness. Just remember you’re always free to stop by our inbox and share your thoughts any time of the day or night (because that’s kinda how email works).

In the meantime, here’s where you can find our other junk — erm, I mean where you can check out some more Greatness:

Until next time, stay Great!


Joseph Hargett
Editor, Great Stuff

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